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We've been sitting here for about an hour . The final battle happened last week and Dumbledore has been avoiding us ever since . Actually the whole wizarding world has been acting weird towards my friends and I . Today though I got a letter asking me to come to the ministry , when I got here , I was led to where trials are held and my friends were also here .

" You may all enter . " A Goblin says .

We all stand and enter the room . Dumbledore and the minister are giving us dirty looks and so is everyone in this room .

" Mr. Potter . Miss Weasley. Mr. Weasleys . Ms. Granger . Mr. Malfoy . Mr. Longbottom. Ms. Lovegood . Mr. Zabini. Ms. Greengrass . You are all hereby sentenced to life in Azkaban for the use of illegal spells during the second wizarding war. The people of the wizarding world have voted and over 70% of them agree with the sentencing. " Kingsley the minister of magic says .

I don't even take the time to process what he said ,when my magic knocks them all off their chairs and we take this opportunity to apparate away far away from the wizarding world and it's lies .

"Where are we ?." Hermione asks .

" Far away from those leeches ." I say in anger .

" we will stay here for how ever long no one will find us here ." Ron says . He is my right hand man so he knows where we are .

" They will pay dearly for what they did . Luna please unlock their memories. "

Luna does as I say . And the fire in my family's eyes  tells me that they want the wizarding world burnt to the ground as much as I do .

" Soon we will get our revenge. "

" Harry what about mom and dad " my younger brother , Draco asks.

" They are already here . Let's go greet them . " I say walking towards the tea room .

" Oops , I have to change . Can't be seen in these rags . You guys choose a room the elves will bring your clothes" I say switching directions and going up stairs .

We all meet at the tea room doors

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We all meet at the tea room doors .

" Harry why are we here and what are you wearing ? " Remus asks as we enter the room.

" A dress ,a doy " I say sitting down .

" yes I know but why?"

" cause it's hot . What's your point ? . Thank you Iris " I say to one of my house elves .

" your a boy . "

" And your wolf . I could do this all day . As for why you are here . Ooh Dray I wanna braid your hair . " Draco nods excitedly we used to do this when we were young .

" Harry you're  losing focus again . " Ron whispers to me .

" Ow yeah . We are here because Dumbledore is the real Dark lord and has managed to erase your children from your minds . Luna please be a dear . " I say putting pillows on the floor next to me . Draco sits on them and I play with his hair . And Luna works on returning everyone's memory.

" aunt Bella was the only one with slight recollection of what happened , that's why she went and tortured the Longbottoms . She knew they took something valuable but she didn't remember what . "

" Harry ? I can't believe I forgot my son . " my mom sits next to me and hugs me . aunt Bella hugs Neville and Remus hugs Hermione.

" Harry , You must know Tom was never bad. Something happened that Halloween night "

" ow I know . I will bring him back soon .First I have to find a way .. ooh Dray you looking pretty. Ron do you think he looks pretty . "

" Always " Ron says with a small smile , which he hides quick. 

" you have to find a way ..? " aunt Bella asks

" To Apologize for killing him , but don't worry all I'm waiting for now is the potion from Sev . " I see Hermione blush at the mention of the potion master's name .

Love is in the air hoo love is in the air hoo hey hey hey hey.


" were you singing in you head again ?" Luna asks looking as she shoves a biscuit in her mouth .

" I do that a lot ." I look down to see Draco sleeping . Magic hands .

" Ron please take him to his bed ." I say and Ron nods.

" So tomorrow " I tell the rest of my family .

" What's tomorrow? " Remus asks .

" I'm bringing back the Dark Lord. And they say I have no concentration. Hermione Severus is in the potions lab . Straight through the corridor turn left and go to the last door and follow the stairs down .he is in the lab .if you get lost call for Ivy . " I say and she leaves with a quick wave .

"When Tom is awakened or whatever you call it . No one  is allowed in the west wing for a week we will stay there until it is safe for us to be around other people . "

" won't you be in danger. ?" Mom asks

" Well .. The reason I remembered what happened to us is because when I killed him , the memories came rushing back . That only happens if your soul mate dies . Your life flashes before your eyes . " I say with a sigh . I don't think I've felt that kind of sadness ever. 

" makes so much sense. You always got along with him and he always called you Sunflower the only person he has ever given a nickname to. " my dad says .

" Come on Daph . Let's take a walk. " Luna says to Daphne who was just day dreaming . They leave , probably going to the gardens .

Neville is still hugging his mom and aunt Bella is fussing over him.

" really Neville? " I ask chuckling.

" whaat I missed my mom . We are really close you know. Mom where's dad and uncle Rudo."

ow yeah I knew I forgot something.

" In the dungeons, I think . " I say sheepishly

"what ?!" they all shout .

" you see what had happened was , my life was flashing before my eyes ,and I saw them running towards me , wands drawn and all . and I was like 'hey those are my uncles ' but then I remembered that they don't remember me , so I thought of a place that could keep them safe but not free them at the same time , and then sort of banished them . So I'm thinking dungeons . " . my aunt and her son stand up quickly followed by my parents and Remus , they all exit the room .

"yeah so that's the wrong way . just follow me . there might be a lot more people down there so don't be shocked ." I tell them as I lead them to the dungeons .

" woo hoo , anyone here . " I say as we enter the dungeons .

" get us out of here you freak !' Vernon Dursley shouts as his family huddles in the cell

" I can't wait to kill you . " I say with a giggle . that shut him up quick .

" Uncle Rudo , Uncle Rabs are you here . " I ask loudly .

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