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"I've made up my mind
Don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong I am right"

Shh inside voice Adele now is not the time. I think to myself after bursting out in song

"I've made up my mind I'm going to sit down with Tom and have dinner yjou know just get the talk talking and all that" I say to my bes'friend /bes'aunty . Ron and Hermione will always be my bestfriends but this chick right here is my day one , she just gets me .

we were all having breakfast my mom , dad , Draco , Ron , Sev , Nev , Hermione and Blaise, he came back . The others are busy or something . 

"Don't need to look no further
This ain't lust
I know this is love" she nods as she continuous my song . we continue humming as we eat . I give her an orange and she gives me a bowl of strawberries . we do our finger shake and continue eating . That's when I notice that it's quiet , I look up only to see them watching us 

" what ?"

" you guys are so weird why don't you take what you want instead of having to exchange " Nev says .

" but we did " his mom says 

" yeah , she wanted an orange so I took it " I say in a duh voice . 

"That's why we did the finger shake . man you won't get it you too young " Bella says 

" I'm the same age as Harry"

" mhm K " 

" So what are your plans for today ?. " mom says with a dreamy smile , she's so Zen .

" first I'm going to talk to Tom , then we are having a waffle and ice cream party at lunch you are all invited and we'll see what happens next " I say 

"  you and Tom are having an ice cream party ? can't wait " Hermine says almost bouncing in her seat 

" Who said anything about Tom ? we as in me and Bells. in honor of her giving the best advice ever , she said that I should just go talk to Tom and you know just sort out what ever is going on  " I say 

" Literally me yesterday " she says 

" Hermione no , you know it's like fighting with a drunk person when you are sober " Ron says shaking his head . 

what a wise mate he is , he is good for my Brother . I think to myself as I nod at my assessment .

" if we go with mean girls we need two more people . " bells says 

" yeah easy Draco and Blaise . I have the perfect outfits " I say nodding . immediately knowing what she was talking about . 

"What are you guys talking about ?" Blaise asks 

" We are discussing the Halloween party in 6 months , we'll fill you in later . I got to run ." I say standing  up 

" See you babes , I'll do the deco, mwah "Bells says 

"mwah "I say as I walk out heading straight to Tom wherever he is 


" Hey " I say as I enter his office 

he immediately stands up and walks to me  , we just stare at each other for a bit , 

Man I missed him .

" I'm sorry " he says suddenly " I miss you so much " 

" I miss you too , can we talk?" he nods and we sit down on the couch he has in his office 

" Harry , I know what I said hurt you, I have no excuse as to why I said what I said , I'm not gonna justify my words or actions with an explanation cause I have none at least none that will ease the pain that my words brought you ." I could listen to him talk all day at this rate . 

" Tom, by sort off throwing you out I deprived us of a chance to talk it out ,a chance for you to explain your explosion and a chance for us to discuss things  normally , and for that overreaction I'm sorry " I say 

" I am actually thankful for it , now I know what it feels like to live without you after finding you and I'd rather not "

I'd rather have hard times together, than to have it easy apart. man you sly fox you, shit he is still talking.

"...and I just want us to go on dates and walks and have a BBQ with friends and hold hands . I want all that , I'm scared that if we take this big step all of that will be forgotten and we'll just be like an old mated couple . "

" I understand where you are coming from and I respect that , honestly speaking I don't wanna rush . when it happens it happens . " I say scooching over to him . he opens his arms and cuddles me , we stay like that for a long time , I almost sleep 

A knock shakes me out of my droopiness. Tom tells the person to come in . In comes Rodo looking a bit stressed . 

" Um hey Harry so yeah Bella is pissed at me cause I might have demanded she goes to lunch with me " he says looking a bit fearful as he should , you do not piss of my bes'friend 

" you lucky she needs me or I would strangle you with your long ass demanding tongue" I say standing up and giving Tom a kiss . 

"But I'm your uncle " he says with a pout . 

"  and you are literally the only person that can piss her off,  well the only person not in a coma " I say with a giggle , man she did some great work with the Longbottoms . I run to the party location ( tea room ). 

" Bes'friend ! I heard you are pissed off " I say as soon as I enter the room 

" huh ? ow yeah I was but then I imagined I was Pennywise and popped some balloons" 

" ow good . Can't wait to get this party started . oh and guess what ? I also got Dobby and his friends to make some food we really can't have only ice cream and waffles , aaaand I also got a Bar one cake "

" OMG really , I can taste the chocolate melting in my mouth already. I can't believe you managed to get it . "

" I just hope that Fred and George remember that they are lactose intolerant , we don't need to smell that shit"

" haahahahha , did you tell Tom they can come ?"

" oops forgot . I'll just send Karma " 

" I'm gonna name my Patronus as well .. how about Chaos? " 

 " Perfect , since its a snake that literally causes chaos when you cast her "

"she does not . I mean she did it only once or 5 times .... yep she is really chaos" she finally says and we laugh and chat until everyone shows up.

I wish we could invite our other friends but soon that will be possible . The light side needs to go or they need a new leader that understands balance .

I can't wait for the twins to finish with the epic project that will most definitely take Dumbledore down . I smirk at my thoughts

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