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" So I have news guys . " we all stopped our various conversations and look at him.

I was in the middle of discussing the true role of creature blood in wizarding families with Lucius , when Harry, who was sitting next to me suddenly said. 

It has been a week now since we made up . We are now at dinner with the whole family , by whole I mean everyone including Sirius and Greyback , who , might I add do not seem like they are over the honeymoon phase of their relationship , at least that's what Harry says.

" You all may be wondering like " ow what is this precious soul going to grace us with now , what knowledge will be bestowed upon us by such beauty , how is it that every time this magnificent being  opens his mouth  food for thoughts floats, like fairies ,into our very being . How.." he starts .

" ow for merlin's sake Harry just spit it out " Hermione says before he can continue . Honestly better her than any of us cause she has always been bossy , from what Harry told me , but either way I was not going to stop his speech . I love my life . 

" Sheesh I was done , anyways as you all know I have been working on a way to bring Dumbledore down , now I know we all have had thoughts on this and ideas ,So  I gave the twins a project and I am happy to announce that it went perfectly and we can finally make the first move in destroying or restructuring the light . I would like you all to follow me after dinner, so that I may explain and show you guys How we are going to defeat our enemy . Thank you all for your time " He says and than continues eating and just goes back to casually giggling with Bella or as he calls her Bells . 

we all finish eating in silence pondering this great idea of his . I love my mate I really do but his ideas are either awful , genius or just the worst and best of both . A few minute later we are all done so we are led to a part of the manor that most of us do not know . Harry opens the doors to a room filled with gadgets . 

" Welcome to the Dark Web " he says with his arms open 

" HARRY! how could you , you know my history with spiders " Ron says slowly moving back to the door and looking around the room franticly .

" oops sorry Ron I meant the internet , there are no spiders in this room Ron . Anywho now to my plan , what we are going to do is ....."


" I asked  why does richie rich get a McDonalds in his house and we can't I mean are we not rich ?".. and she was like " think about it if you have it here it will eventually bore you do you ever want to get bored of your favorite fast food " and you know what , it's true . " I hear Harry talk to Bella , who was listening to every word and nodding . 

" True , see what I got from that is before doing something we have to really think about it and how it's gonna change us and how we view things ." Bella says , the worst part is she said it with a straight face . our Bella the one who shoots first and goes "oopsie" . I look at Rodo who seems to have also heard her and he just gives me a look that says "do not even try to say a word ". 

" exactly , well it's that time of the night again , I can feel Tom getting cranky from here " Harry says as he stands up and stretches .

am not . 

" night babes , gotta go tuck my babies in " Bella says hugging Harry ,they do their finger shake and I stand up and leave with Harry .

"Nev needs tucking in ?"

"not really its just her making sure he didn't throw his blanket on the floor or something , the real problem is Rabastan , he gets so cranky when they don't come to say goodnight ." Harry says opening our bedroom door and heading straight to the bathroom . 

" So love , what do you thing about my idea ?" he asks as he gets into bed

"you're an evil mastermind" I say giving him a peck

" stuup you making me blush" he says with a giggle . 

" So when does the plan starts ? " 

"As soon as possible . I want it to happen when the streets are packed so on a holiday ."

Harry then jumps off the bed and wears his gown and then motions for me to follow him , he then tells his Petronus to tell everyone to go to the dungeons now . 

ow yeah we forgot about that traitor . 


" Johnny Johnny Johnny , I  must say I am a tad bit disappointed that  I managed to read your thoughts at the meeting . did you not go to spy school ." Harry says as he slowly paces up and down the cell . 

I hear a squeal from behind me . and Bella zooms past me and hugs Harry , who also has the same excited face as Bella .

" Bes'friend . we forgot about this trash " 

" well let's take him out "

the rest of the family come in and , you can see their eyes light up at the realization of what is about to go down . 

" Nev , I know you have a new poison you are working on. " Harry says with a grin 

" It keeps you alive until you get an antidote , then it will burn you inside out . So either way you will suffer " he grins at John, who looks like he is about to pee. 

" Ron what have you got , actually don't tell me I want to see " 

 Ron nods at Neville who then spells a potion in to john . Ron starts chanting and Johns arm is severed . his screams get loud and Bella , throws a silencing spell at him

"wait for it " Ron says with so much glee . 

Johns arm is suddenly sewed back in with a big ass needle . The arm literally hangs by a thread  and john swing probably trying to make the hand fall . his limps are cut off one bye one .

" This is so fun " Bella squeals and Harry nods excitedly . 

" Can we have a go at the Dursleys ? " Hermione asks 

"good idea, Ron , Nev  can you finish him off and put him in plastics and then put him in a pretty pink box with a bow , he is a present  after all " Harry says and starts cackling along with Bella as they lead us to where his "family" is . 

He scars me sometimes.

he's hot and scary but in a sexy way  . Nigel says 

it talks 

haha very funny I was on a break from your dumb ass.

" mate " we all look at Ginny only to see her looking at Harry's cousin . 

" well shit , wait Ginny is a werewolf , don't they mate to only magical beings or creatures " Harry says and we all look at the boy who is cowering away in the corner.

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