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It's been about two weeks since Tom was sent to the dog house and by dog house i mean to the single guys wing . Bella has also sent her husband there for what ever reason . So much dramatics in this place  .Ron and Draco have been spending all their time together, they are in the honeymoon phase of this thing called love , can't wait for them to have their first fight . The others went to visit their parents since they are on the Dark Side as well . So I'm left to babysit Harry and Bella who have also been spending too much time together to not be causing trouble , so I have Neville guarding them since my husband is brewing and I need to enjoy my Avobaconian ice cream , I dare you to judge me .

" Hey 'Mione what you doin'? " Neville asks as he takes a seat next to me.

Just tryig to eat in peace. But noo , i deserve nothing like that .

" I'm taking a bath that's why I have a bowl of avocado in my hands and you disturbed me mid bite ."

" sheesh remind me not to get knocked up .. you is bitchyyy."

Do not use vulgar because the baby can hear you mione .. but can i think it though its not like my baby can hear my thoughts
.. loophole

" Why are you not with the Devil Duo? ."

" Devil Duo .. Love it .. Well they said they are going to have a Kim Kardashian music session and I should leave cause I have a bright and colorful aura which they find nauseating. Am I overreacting or are they just plain mean ?"

" They are really mean .. wait Kim Kardashian does not sing . " I say standing up and walking out the room . 

" I new something wasn't right cause , it sounded like a man singing . " he says following me . 

"what rules did i give you when i said guard them ?"

" No drinking , no smoking , no apparation , no unapproved music and you gave me a list of approved and unapproved artists but this Kim person was not  on any I checked.. and 'mione aren't you overreacting and the list was just plain weird of you to make in the first place  " 

Weird my ass .. ugg my ass is weird . This baby is really making me fat but I'm also fabulous so that's that .

we arrive at Bella's door and open it .

" Is this an overreaction Neville . break up music = sad music=sad emotions = crazy conclusions = wine = wine thoughts = crying=anger=forgetting that Harry has gained weight since coming here and those booty shorts are covering half his ass = twerking to Share my life by Kem and not Kim Kardashian . "

" I will never doubt you . "

" Good , now Harry , Bella . take these sober up potions and don't make me make you "

" Ohh, I

I'll never hurt you again
Girl, I
I know you deserve a better man
Hey, I
I was a fool to ever let you down
So why would you stay? " They both start singing ignoring me . 

Being scared makes people sober up a bit so..


" ow me gosh ow me gosh ow me gosh " Harry says with a panicked voice , finally got their attention "Bella my water broke " harry screams

" wait what ?" I ask 

" Neville get towels and warm water , we gonna birth the shit out of this baby ." Bella says to Nev, who then turns to go get the things .

What's wrong with this guy though ? .

" Nev, Harry is not Pregnant " I say calmly 

"  Bella " harry says 

" yesh"

" red " 

" me gosh yes " 

" and then i'll be like yaaas ."

" and I'll be like yeow "

I don't even wanna know

" ok i'm spelling these into them . " I say taking out my wand and doing just that . 

" Buzz kill " Harry grumbles after a few minutes followed by Bella . 

" Cowards .. you two should go get your men and stop letting your prides and egos get in the way "

" your man didn't call you a whore " Harry says 

" Sev once said I'm a succubus drenched in the scent of his mate trying to make him commit sin , and that my school skirt was too short for a modest teenage girl so I must be a demon trying to seduce him "

" and you forgave him? and your skirt made you look like a nun.. plus honey your hair did you no justice back then .. you were like I'm normy please ignore me  and it was like " I'm from the projects , i dare you to mess with me " "

How can a person be mean to a pregnant lady ... like how and why .. ignore them 'mione and ask where exactly is the projects later .

" I was actually mad at first but then i realized he found me attractive enough to call me a demon that seduces sleeping men , so if that's not a complement . but I did slap him and told him to man up and think about why I smell like his mate . took him a week to realize it's because I am his mate . stupid man ."

" so slap him and tell him he is stupid and should man up " Harry says to Bella who nods in return . 

" No go talk to them . "

" and then slap them .. Hermy dear get out we need to change and go get our men . "

" no need to be rude jeez . "

" I didn't wanna say it when i was drunk cause i thought it was too blunt .. but Nev honey a cardigan should not have so much colour .. and Hermione I know you are pregnant but you need to fix your nails dear .. no judging though .. you do you boos  .. "

Nev and I walk out with no more words to say .

" I was gonna say something but you know you are the sweeter one between us " we hear Harry say and as much as I'd like to disagree Harry is brutal .

" she gave me this cardigan " Nev finally says looking confused .

" your mom is horrible , that cardigan looks like it started as a cloth and you just added patch after patch of different coloured materials . It's nasty  "

" you are all mean .. I'm going to change and then I'm going to the Zabini's " He huffs and stops off .

Finally gonna have my Avobaconian ice cream chocolate swirl.... with a side of waffles .

" My Beautiful wife . " Sev says as i enter our room and head straight to the kitchen. 

" how can I help you ?" I ask opening the fridge

" just glad to see you"

Uh-uhh mens is up to no good .. he did something that is going to piss me o... where the hell is my ice cream .

" where is my ice cream ?"

" Uh no idea is it not in the fridge . "

" huh in the fridge why didn't i think of that .. here i am just sticking my whole arm in the fridge cause i can "

" uhm i kind of ate it . "

" Kind of.. like you ate it but didn't? "

" I'll run to the store really quick . "

" ow you will? ... really baby?  you are going to go buy the ice cream you ate , because your wife is livid nice of you .. why are you still here then is this the shop is the shop this .. gee sorry i guess I'm kinda mad but only kinda ... you better come back with chocolate "

I just wanna sit in my legging and eat everything .

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