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I am in labour, have been in labour for hours,I have also been thinking of the many ways I can make Severus suffer because me breaking his hand is not enough .

" you are doing so well baby " he says and then winces as i put more pressure on his hand 

" Thank you for your approval , it helps the pain go away completely  " I say 

" just breath we can do this "

" oh we can?  can we really? is the baby you're carrying also ripping your insides apart baby , cause don't worry apparently WE can do it "

" we are almost there " the healer that Harry and Tom apparently have on stand by , says .

" if I hear another we I'm strangling someone with the umbilical cord "

after a few minutes it's time to push and the pain can not be described . the murderous thoughts towards a certain man though were flying from my mouth . 

" I dare you to tell me to push one more fucken time and i will push my hand down your throat and come back with your fucken heart !!!. " I scream at Sev and as I finish I feel my baby finally leave my body . was I screaming and pushing ? 

" And here's your cute little one " the doctor hands our baby to us after cleaning him . 

" it's a boy " Sev says in a whisper . 

" A beautiful little boy with a head full of black hair , can this hair please take your silky texture . "I say to him murderous thoughts gone

" Do the parents have a name for the little one?"

" Sylvester Hunter Snape ."I say 

" Actually wife of mine I've actually decided we must use my mothers name . I am after all the last Prince ."

"Sylvester Hunter Prince , it is then . please let our family in "

" so cute " Xavier says as they walk in .

" he looks like a baby grandpa so small and squishy. You is so cute .. yes you are yesh you are you little milk drinking monster .. when you are old enough to not need a diaper i  will adopt you and name you my apprentice..everyone will fall at our feet .. with your cuteness you can pull it off . " Harry says as little sly follows the sounds in the room with his eyes . A surprised look on his face.

"Harry can you not corrupt my newborn and Draco would you do us the honour of being Sylvester's Godfather ?" I say 

Draco is Sev's Godson , he was an obvious choice , even more so because he has a calming aura not to mention his innocence we just think he is a breath of fresh air compared to all the hotheads we call friends 

" Me ?" he asks wide eyed as he approaches the bed slowly . I hand him the baby and he looks at him with awe . 

" we have a baby " He suddenly says with a grin looking at Ron. 


" this calls for a celebration and I know just what to do . It's time to let Dumbledore we will not back down . "


There's no argument when it comes to the fact that my twin brothers and harry are not only geniuses when they decide to do something together but they are also scary. 

Using their knowledge of secret passages in hogwarts and Hogsmeade , and the invisibility cloak they were able to sneak into the places and draw runes in the great hall and right in the middle of Diagonal alley , the runes will project a holographic live image of Harry when he activates it from the manor , the best part is it will work like what Hermione calls a video call and we will all be able to hear what the people are saying . we can also make it that diagonal alley hears what's being said at Hogwarts and vice versa . see genius . 

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