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That's all I can say really . I was abused by a stolen child under the imperius curse .Why would someone go to such lengths.  I feel sorry for Dudley/ Fridolf.  To not know who you are , how you've been acting, things you've been doing or saying . I also believe at some point Dumbledore used Polyjuice to look like Dudley to torment me . creep

" we couldn't believe you were gone . My little wolf , you were a miracle child . Our pack was the first to be blessed with a same sex pregnancy especially since your father is alpha . Being a male mate to an alpha was unheard of but me and your father didn't even flinch when we knew we were mates . When we found out i was pregnant , your father after fainting of course ,could not stop grinning.  The pack was over the moon . We knew that your mate will be an alpha . And yet again our family has done the almost impossible.  A dominant alpha female as your mate . "
Xander says a happy smile on his face small hands holding his son's hands .

Ginny beaming with pride at seeing her mate so comfortable with his parents .

" why would he do that to me , to anyone . To take a child from a life of joy . What did i do to him?" the distress in Fridolf's voice is enough to have Ginny kneeling in front of him hand on his cheek .

" It's not your fault and no one blames you . " she whispers gently. 

I think anyone who knows Ginny is shocked , she is not the comforting type . I guess because he is her mate it's to be expected .

I feel Tom squeeze my hand and i look at him , he smiles a bit .

weirdo .

" Wait , but ehm .. what about Sirius?" Neville asks awkwardly

Ow yeah .. hey is this guy cheating with my uncle tf.

" how do y'all know Fenris' mate ?"

" Fenris ? "

" yeah my brother people say we look alike i don't see it "

" you are like the same dude.i called him greyback the whole time "

" i mean he is a greyback . He is my beta as well"

" how do we not know about him ? "

" he used to travel looking for his mate ,  but now he is back since he has found his love "

" if he is older . Why are you alpha ?"

" my brother is a free soul he never wanted to be alpha and when he was old enough he told my dad. And luckily i wasn't opposed to being an alpha so we made a deal .. i become alpha he comes back after his search and becomes my beta "

" imagine if he walked in before you explained this " Hermione says with a giggle

" psst , bes'friend" I hear Bella whisper and I look over 

" wassup ?"

" The thing "

" ow yeah  " I say standing up and grabbing her hand as we run out of the room .

we get to the ballroom and start decorating and getting the food with the house elves
Help .

" Dobby , can you please go inform everyone to get ready and come to the ballroom tell them to be casual and to dress in yellow and white . Mwah thanks darling " I tell Dobby and leave to get ready

An hour later ( some strong language )

Bella and I make our way to the ballroom just as the other's arrive .

" Sev and Hermione will be here soon she had a nap and an outfit crisis" Bella says

" ok people listen up , as you may have guessed this is a surprise baby shower for 'mione . So everyone hide and when she walks in scream surprise loud enough to scare the baby out of her . "

Baby bouncing out of my best friends vajayjay . Nope

" ok guys can we not scare the baby out of her.. just be normal ..what's wrong with you people? "

" Is he always like that ? " I hear Greyback ask Ginny.

" yep "

" they are coming " Nev whispers from the door .

The door slowly opens and hermione walks in.

" you ate my avocado whilst i was sleeping sev how could you .. i saved it for.."


" ow shit " Hermione shouts in a fight me bitch pose .

" me gosh guys . Y'all almost made me pee. This is so cute .. look at the baby cake oh my god why do I wanna eat it.  Thank you so much guys . " 

" thank you harry " Sev says .

" yeah no problem also . Men aren't allowed at the baby shower so anyone whose gonna get grossed out if we talk about Hermione's sex life  , please go join Tom outside he is preparing the bbq . "

" come on son this is not for you " Greyback says and leaves with fridolf and the rest of the guys . Leaving draco, blaise, xavier and me.

We look to xavier as though to ask are you sure .

" i want some tea y'all better spill it . " he says moving to sit down .

" my sex life?" Hermione suddenly says .

" first game of the party . Show us which position you believe conceived the baby "

" wait what ?"

" show us . Show us " we started chanting

" I'll go first . Harry was conceived in the manors library . Face down on the table , ass up . Lucius was in some sort of mood that day . "

" what no mom just no . What in a library . Wait no i don't wanna know about you. What !" if trauma was a person their name would be Harry. 

" My Fridolf was conceived outside after a very romantic picnic in the forest . Greyback is so passionate but that day he was an animal and i wanted more at some point i swear he threw me up and caught me with his dick " Xavier says fanning himself with his hands . We all giggle at his bluntness and continue sharing stories .

" well i was to serve 'detention' with Sev , wash the floor without magic . so i 'accidently ' dropped the mop and bent down to pick it up and next thing i know I'm on my back on a desk and i served detention until the next morning" she says with a blush 

do i even know her 

We had snacks and continued chatting opening presents and doing some karaoke.  We even made her dance for us , i can't believe i didn't know she dances like monica from friends . It was funny bad. 

" Thank you so much guys i needed this , I can't wait to meet this little bean . I'm already in love " Hermione says with a grin as she rubs her belly .

" come on everyone lets take a picture " I say as we look in the direction of the charmed camera.

" say cheese " 

" cheese !!!"

" my water just broke " 

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