Chapter one

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Chapter one : I met him Again

I thought everything was going normal in my life.I finally started to move on from my past. I was feeling good after spending my half senior year of high school in pain and sadness. I started to forgive the person who gave me the pain ,who broke my heart in million pieces.You know why I am feeling this ,because I moved to California for my college.I left my hometown where I was born,where I got my family,where I got my first friend,where I got my first boyfriend,where I got my first heart break.I left that place for good .

And here I am in California with my bestfriend Eyaana Adam.She is with me from my second grade.She was with me in my hard times and she is still with me helping me to move on. I forgot to introduce myself.

I am Siravana William.I am 18 years old.I like to do lot of stuff like ride Bikes,listen music , go for trekking,writing articles and Photography.I am studying Journalism in california.Its my first year of college.Eyaana and I both are in Same college.She is studying Business.And we both are In same room in hostel.

We landed yesterday in California.We both went to our room unpacked our things.And we were settling in our room when we got to know that we are sharing room with another girl she is our senior.We got to know her she is pretty cool and chill person to be with .

Next day we thought to go out and explore the place.We started from the malls .We shopped alot of things .We called a cab and we went to our hostel it was 5 in the evening .We dropped our bags and we went to grab something to eat we already decided where we have to go for dinner.

After 15 mins we reached in a restaurant.It was a nice place .Enivornment was also good.Actually it was closer to our campus only 15 mins walk.

The waitress showed us a booth which was free.We gave her a  smile and ordered our drink.She went to get our drink.Eyaana and I were having a great time.

The waitress came with our drink.And asked what we like to order we gave her our food order.And she went to bring our order.As I was going to take first sip of my drink.

I saw him coming towards our booth .I felt a sudden pain in my heart .I wanted to stand up and slap him right in his face.How could he just walk in my life again? You might have guessed Who he was.He was my ex Ajen Andrew.He is taller than me,he has brown hair,green eyes and I must add he is damn hot and he knows how to dress himself to make him look more hot and sexy. Today he wore a whirt tshirt with a blue denims jacket and black jeans. He was looking sexy as usual. But I have to control myself I can't lose my control now at this moment. He came and stood in front our booth.

'Hey Riva, How are you?'he said.

I looked up and saw he was staring in my eyes .I saw pain and guilt in his eyes.But I can't show him the same emotion.I tried to keep my eyes dark and cold.I made my expressions blank.

'Excuse me Sir,Do I know you? And how dare you call me Riva?' I said.Riva is my pet name only my Brother and my one cousin is allowed to call me that and after them only the person I love most in the world can call me Riva.Eyaana is also not allowed to call me that.

He looked confused.I felt sadness in his eyes but he deserved that.

'How could you just forget me,our relation and our memories?' he said.His words felt like someone is poking a knife in my heart.He left me .He forgot our relation and now he is pinning everything on me.

'I dont know you ,Please leave'I said.He looked at me and was going to say something but he was cut off by my friend she grabbed his and dragged him away from our booth.

'Nana I will be back in a minute'she said before leaving our booth.I sat there thinking.Why i love him so much?

When we entered the restaurant .I saw Ajen sitting in a booth with a girl but I didn't react because I don't know him.I am not allowed to show any kind of emotion for him. i was hurt I can't see him with other girl.I was a possessive girlfriend.But now he was sitting with his new girlfriend laughing with her.He was happy.I thought he didn't saw me.But he did he came to me.

Eyaana was talking with him .She was explaining him why I was behaving like that.He thought I am acting like this because I was hurt by him,he broke me and I hate him.But it wasn't the truth.

I was acting like this because there was a reason behind it and to know that reason we have to go back to my senior year.........

To my lovely readers,

Hey Guys ,I hope you liked this Chapter.

You will get to know what is the reason behind her behaviour.Why she acted like that in the next chapter.

Love ,


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