Chapter Four

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Chapter Four-Riva is dead

"You are lying to me ,Jen"I whispered and moved little closer to him.Now our faces are just a centimeter away I leaned forward to kiss him.He was just staring in my eyes ,his breathings were heavy,as I was going to crash my lips on his lips he moved away as if I am a disease. I was standing there just by myself I cant lose him I can't.

"Please Riva don't do this I can't cheat her by kissing you.I love her."he said.

I chuckled "Oh now you are cheating her by kissing me,what about me when you cheated on me? Huh..when you said you love her, don't you think you are cheating me Jen"I spat.

"No Riva I am not cheating on you I haven't proposed her yet because first I wanted to sort things between us"he said while gesturing between us "I wanted to end our relation first I can't keep you in dark and start my relation with her so please lets end this Riva cause I am leaving tomorrow in the afternoon. I don't have time for your drama."he said.

Wow what an explanation man.Now I look like a bitch who is coming in between them.Be strong siravana,you are a strong girl yes you are.

"You think I am a robot that doesn't have feelings, that doesn't get hurt.Jen I am a human and anyone would behave like this in this kind of situations, so this not a drama you ass. What did you expected from me that I will say ok jen lets end this relationship and move on?" I said the last part in a mocking and sweet tone. Oh and why he is still calling me riva.

"Its siravana for you, Riva is dead she is no more only siravana is alive.A lifeless body because you took her soul,because you took her love , killed her Ajen Andrew."I yelled.

He was just looking at me with blank expression whereas I was pouring out all my emotions. He should be happy right but he wasn't, there were no expressions on his face. His eyes atleast should show happiness but their was other emotion I can't tell what was their in his eyes .And honestly I don't care now because I was deeply hurt if I stay here for more time I don't know what I will do.

" Go get your girl.And please don't break her heart the way you broke mine."with that I grabbed my backpack from the floor and left his room I ran until I was outside his house.

I was standing near my bike. My chest was burning , there was a lump in my throat I wanted to scream but I wasn't able to do that. I opened my mouth to scream but my voice didn't came out.I wiped my tears with my hands and hopped on my bike. I can't go home now. I was riding my bike on the road but I was lost cause I didn't know where to go. I came across a beach. I parked my bike and walked towards the beach. I was walking on sand now and sat there looking at the waves.I wanted to cry but this tears are now being loyal to me,they are not flowing.

I just sat there looking at the waves.I thought everything was going perfect in my life but see here I am heartbroken and hurt. My past 2 years with Jen were the best years of my life,we both shared a lot of beautiful memories with eachother. I always used to think how could I be so lucky to have so nice family, a good best friend and a loving boyfriend,I had a perfect life but my perfect life was just a dream. And dreams are meant to be broken because you have to face the reality, you can't be in your dreams for your whole life.My reality is I lost my love,I am no more the girl who he used to love,I am no more the girl that used to be happy and smiling ,I am the girl who is broken.

I don't know for how much time I sat there but now it was time to go home.So I went to my bike and rode in the direction of my house.Once I reached my house I parked my bike in the garage and when I came out, there was our gardener standing in the garden watering the plants and looking at me with a smile but as I said I am no more the happy go lucky girl,I don't want to give a fake smile so I just ignored him and all the people that tried to talk to me. I straight went for my room.I closed my bedroom door and sat in a corner of my room.Now my life is like my room, filled with darkness and silence.I took my phone out from my pocket and texted Eyaana to come to my place.She is the only one who can comfort me now I just want to hug my bestfriend and cry and cry.I want to tell someone how I feel and eyaana is the only person who can listen to me.I moved my legs closer to my body and buried my face in them.I sat like that in the dark until I heard the noise of door opening and I knew who was that.

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