Chapter Ten

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Chapter  10 – Cheers to a new beginning

Siravana’s POV

Ajen was my everything back then but now he is someone I didn’t know, he was Ajen but not mine anymore. I have forgiven him, that doesn’t mean I have forgotten what he did to me. And when I thought I was finally free from everything, here he was back in my life.

As I was waiting for Eyaana to join me for dinner, I thought maybe ajen would come with her but no, Eyaana returned to me by herself. Ajen went back to his table to join his girlfriend. How foolish I was? Why will he come back to me? Maybe I haven’t moved on, Maybe I still have some feelings for him. My Life was dependent on the word “Maybe” like maybe I haven’t fallen for him, maybe I never met with the accident and maybe I never lied to my family and friends. I felt someone shaking my shoulder and due to that, I was out of my trance.

“Earth to Nana, where were you lost?” Eyaana said to me.

“Uhh” I said while being confused.

“I was asking do you want something else? But you were lost in your world.” Eyaana said.

“No, I am full. I was thinking, Do I know that guy?” I asked

“He... He is Ajen. He was with us in high school but you don’t remember him. He joined our school in sophomore year and left the school before our senior year.” She said while playing with her food not looking at me. I know why she is not looking at me because she was lying to me.

“ Oh Okay, that's the reason I don’t remember him, But why does he call me Riva? That's strange.” I said as a matter of fact. I don’t want to put Eyaana in a tight spot but if I don’t ask her this she will think something is wrong. As I asked her this she looked at me in shock but covered it as fast as possible. She hesitated at first to answer me but she did.

“Ajen was a part of our circle and when he heard James calling you Riva he started teasing you by calling you that. You guys used to fight about that. He used to know how to annoy you.” She said this with a laugh.

“ That makes sense.” I said and left the topic. I didn’t want to continue the topic.

We made small chats while having dinner. But my eyes used to gaze towards Ajen’s table and when I was looking in his direction I found him staring at me so I looked away. I don't know why but I was not able to hold his gaze when I looked in his eyes I saw guilt, love, and other emotions but why now? When everything was over? I can't let his guilt get to me, I can't let his love get to me because I am not the girl that I used to be. I left that girl in my past and now I am living in my present. I want to enjoy all the moments that fate is going to throw at me.

After finishing our dinner we went back to our room. As we entered the room we saw Sam sitting on the couch and was watching friends on tv. Sam was our roommate. Her name is Samantha Matthews and she is our senior. Sam has blond long wavy hair and she is an inch shorter than me, she has brown eyes and she is beautiful in her own way. When she heard us coming in she looked at us and smiled.

“Hey girls, Enjoy your dinner??” She asked us. I went to sit beside her, Eyaana was behind me but she was standing beside the couch. 

“It was good but if you would have joined us it would have been great you know.” I said.

“I agree with Nana, You should have joined us.” Eyaana said.

“I wanted to but you know I had work to do in the office. Our college is starting the day after tomorrow so I will not be able to give my work more time so I had to finish my side of work today.” Sam said, sighing. Sam was pursuing a degree in business same as Eyaana and was working as an intern in an event management company

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