Chapter two

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Chapter two: Flashback to my senior year

Starting of the senior year.......

I was peacefully sleeping on my bed. Dreaming about Ajen as usual. I heard a loud noise from the other side of my bed. I slightly opened my eyes and saw it was my fucking alarm that was making the noise. I groaned in my bed that I don't want to get up. I want to sleep more.

Then I remembered, today is my first day at school and I can see Ajen the whole freaking day. Yay!

Ajen is my boyfriend .We are dating from our sophomore year. He was new in the school at that time. I still rememeber that day when he entered in our English literature class. He was looking so hot and sexy. His brown hair and green eyes fuckkk, all girls were looking at him waiting for him to sit next to them but he came and sat beside me. We started with small conversations and we got along pretty well. I asked him if he wanted to join me and my friend for lunch he accepted my offer and we went for lunch together. All the people in the cafeteria were staring at us like a Greek god is walking beside me.Yaa what can I say Ajen was hot and good looking and most important he was not a player or a badboy.

After that we started hanging out together much often. He started to pick me up from my house and we used go to school together .We were like magnet. Though we had only 2 classes together but we were attached like magnet.I started getting feelings for him.Whenever he use to talk with any other girl I used to feel jealous. I always wanted go and grab the girl hair and punch her right in her face but I have to control myself.

I know cliché much but I was in love with him. I never told him what I felt for him because I thought he took me as a friend he doesn't like me the way I like me but then why he spend so much time with me .He can get any other girl he want. One day he called me to come at his place. I went there. I knocked on the door after some time the door was open and I saw Jenny standing at the door. Jenny was Ajen mother She is a very sweet lady. And In short time she became my second mother.I greeted her and asked her about Ajen and she told me he is in his room.So I went to his room and knocked he said come in.

When I opened the door he was in front of me on in his knees and bouqet in his hands. I was in a shock what the fuck is going on is this real.I took the bouqet from him and in that their was a card and on that card it was written will you be my girlfriend and without wasting a second I pulled him in a kiss.

I pressed my lips on his lips he was in a shock at first but he kissed me back pulling me closer towards him.There was no space between our bodies were touching. We were kissing like there was no tomorrow.He placed his hands on my waist and a smile spread over my face we stopped kissing.I hugged him tight his chin was on my head I was able to hear his heartbeat. I faced him and said yes. When he heard my answer his eyes lit up and crashed his lips against mine. This kiss was so passionate. He wanted to show me how much hungry he was for me.And I have to accept that I was also hungry for him.And from that time we were inseparable.

Oh fuck!Shit! I just forgot that I need to get ready for my School. Ajen will be here in any minute. It always happens whenever I am talking about Ajen I forget what I am doing ,Where I am ,I just get drowned in our memories and forget myself.

I need to take a shower first I just have 20 mins left.I took a shower and wrapped myself in a towel and came out to pick my outfit for today.I opened my closet any chose pink sweatshirt and White shorts. I wore my clothes and tied my hair in a messy bun.I wore my White sports shoes .As I was going to apply my Lip gloss I heard sound of Ajen's bike.Yes we like Bikes so he picks me on his bike.I looked down from my window ,he was standing in front of our water fountain and he looked up and saw me.I gave him a smile and gestured him that I am coming down in a minute.

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