Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: I am the cause of her pain.

Ajen's Pov.

People say New York is a nice place and it is true it was a nice place when I was spending my vacation here but now when I finally moved here this place doesn't seem nice you know why , because my riva doesn't stay here. She is away from me and I am the reason behind it.I know I have hurt her badly, I mean very badly but there was no other way around.I did this for her, to keep her safe.

I was sitting on my bed in my new room and was thinking about her.I still remember the day when I first saw her in the park.At that time I was new in Dallas, me and my family we just moved in this city.After we all settled in I went to explore the city.I went to malls and in some street stores. In the evening while returning to my house I saw a park so I went inside. I was standing near a slide watching children playing with eachother and some mothers are chit chatting with others and then I heard an angelic voice. Her voice it was so beautiful that I turned my attention toward the source of the voice.I saw a beautiful girl around my age playing with small kids,there a blind fold on her eyes and she was trying to catch other small children. She was smaller than me in height.I mean I am 6.7 and she was around 5 and thats what made her look more cute. She was wearing black tshirt and denims shorts.And due to that shorts I was able to see her legs and smooth skin.Her hair were constantly coming on her face due to the wind and she was constantly trying to remove them.

I was having a strong urge to go there and tuck her hair behind her ear but I stopped myself. I didn't want her to feel that I am some kind of a creep.I was mesmerized by her beauty, it was like I was in some kind of a trance, everything around us just disappeared.she was the only person that I could see, her pink lips were making me go crazy I really wanted to touch them with my fingers. I was shamelessly checking her out for last 15 mins maybe and I was glad that she was blindfolded so I was able to stare at her without any worries.

After sometime she removed her blind fold and I was able to see her eyes and face properly.Her green eyes were so captivate that I got lost in them.She wasn't looking at me ,her attention was on the children near her but my eyes were set on her.I didn't know what I was feeling for her but I wanted to be around her,I wanted to touch her, wanted to talk to her,wanted to hear her voice for whole day.This was the feeling that I never felt for any other girls.

When I came out from my thoughts I saw her going out of the park towards a bicycle.She hopped on the bicycle and rode it till she disappeared from my eyesight I wanted to follow her but she was riding on a bicycle and I didn't bought my mine today. So I planned to visit the park tomorrow at the same time and follow her with my bicycle.From tomorrow I am officially going to be a stalker I said to myself and smiled.

As planned I visited the park next day at same timing.And she was there playing with small children I waited there for her to leave.As soon as she left from the park I followed her from a safe distance.Then she entered the big gates of a freaking mansion this girl stays in a mansion fuckk I thought to myself.I saw a big wooden name plate near the gate and on that it was return William family.I went home and searched on the internet about William family only one name popped and the name was John Williams.He was a big businessman not only in Dallas but also in other countries.I searched for his family details but there were no photos of them nothing.I searched for their names and found out john have 2 children a son elder then me and a daughter of my age. I got a hope their may be she is my girl I thought to myself.His daughter name was Siravana Williams mentioned on the internet.

I opened my social media account and searched for Siravana Williams.Three profiles were opened.Two of them had profile pictures of themselves and they were not from Dallas so they were not my girl and the last profile didn't had any photos and her profile was locked..May be she is the girl I was mad behind.I saw her bio in which she wrote studing in St.Peters High School,Dallas.After reading that I was fuccking sure that this is my girl.

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