Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine - And the biggest lie of my life started.

Siravana's POV

I was a part of the drama club in my school and I took part in the plays and performed well so that means I am a good actor right.

Who am I kidding? This is real-life, not a part of a play. Acting in front of strangers is not easy but acting in front of your family is fucking hard, damn hard. Do you know why? Let me enlighten you all because your family knows you more than strangers. Your family knows who you are and when you are lying.

If I am going to lie to them I need to put a good show in front of them. You all must be thinking that what is a big deal in lying, we all tell small lies to our family, where is the issue in all of this and I must tell, you all are right. I had also lied to my parents here and there but they were not as big as this one. Here I am going to lie about my memory which will change not only my life but will also change the life of my family and friends.

I know what I was doing maybe a mistake that I may or may not regret but it is worth a shot.

And here I am sitting in front of my family and friends trying to calm myself before I put my plan into action.

I was sitting on my hospital bed and they all were standing in front of me. It's been 10 mins and all of them are looking at me without saying a word. So I took the initiative to start a conversation.

"Hi Guys, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"No Vana there is nothing on your face. We want to tell you something.... Actually, Dr. Sean wants to tell you something" my Mother said with a sad smile.

I moved my attention from my mother to Sean. I knew what he was going to say but I need to make it feel like I didn't know anything.

"Siravana, before I tell you anything I want you to be strong and you need to listen to me okay?" Sean asked.

I didn't say a word. I just nodded in agreement.

"Due to the accident you lost your memories of two years, you are not in freshman year you are in Senior year. I know it will be hard.." Before he could say something I cut him off with my laugh.

Yup guys, I laughed in front of them. You must be thinking about what I was doing but you need to see what I did next. I stopped laughing and took a deep breath and said -

"Sean please I know this is a joke okay. What are you guys playing at? Huh, making me think like I lost my memory, and then you will say it was a prank so you can make me feel guilty for getting into the accident" I said in a little angry tone.

"This is what you think about us Riva? You think we are playing a sick game of pranks when we almost lost you. Are you out of your freaking mind? You don't know what we all went through in the past 3 days. You don't have a fucking clue what it felt like to see you like this. And let me tell you I left my university as soon as I heard about your accident and came here to see you, not to play a prank on you Riva" Jam said this, in an angry voice. I never saw him this angry at me.

"What the fuck are you talking about Jam? You go to University. when does this happen? No no this can't be true..." I practically stood on my knees and pointed a finger towards Jam who was standing in front of me now. "You.. year. Not in the university." I said in a panicked tone my eyes were watery. I held my head with both of my hands and closed my eyes. After a minute, I screamed and screamed in frustration.

"I can't remember you going to University Jam. I can't remember me being in my senior year. Please mom please I beg you to tell me the truth. Please say that this is a prank and I didn't lose my memory please." I said while crying and sitting back on the bed. I held my face in my hand and let my tears roll down.

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