Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven- Everything will change today- Part one.

Black.....Black is that all I can see now, I don't know where I was but all I can see is darkness around me.

"Hello, is anyone there?" I asked. But no one answered. Maybe no one is in here with me, I thought to myself.

I felt something on my right hand. I tried to move my hand but it wasn't moving. I felt someone else's hand on my right hand. And then I heard her voice. It was Eyaana's voice.

"Nana, How are you doing? I hope you can hear me. Today when I went to school everyone was asking me about you. Everyone is missing you in school and at home. Please wake up from this state. You have been in a coma for 3 days and that is enough now please talk to us. You know James also came from his uni to meet you. Your Mom and Dad are also waiting for you to get up. " She said.

Then all the memories of my accident hit me like a hard rock. I remembered everything, about how I went to meet Jen, how he lied to me, and how I was hit by something. I was in a coma where no one could hear me. I can't move or talk. I felt bad for myself but I felt worse for my family and friends. They are in this pain just because of me. I need to get up.

"Honey, Please wake up. See your dad is here I have canceled all my meetings and trips just for you. To be with my daughter, you just need to get up from this bed and come home with us." He said in a sad tone but somewhere there was a hope in his tone that I would come out of the coma soon.

I felt something wet on my cheeks. I was crying. It was not something, it was my tear. I have never heard my dad this sad.

"Uncle William see Nana can hear us she is crying. Nana, you can hear us now. I want you to know that we all are with you and we are waiting for you to get up." Eyaana said.

"E, yes she can hear us. I saw the tears flowing from her eyes. Now I am determined to kill that Ajen to break my daughter and to put her in this situation." He said in an angry tone. I can't see him but I know how he looks when he gets angry. I am scared for Jen though he hurt me badly but he doesn't deserve this.

"Uncle he is not the reason behind their breakup. Nana was the one to break up; she didn't want them to be in a long-distance relationship. How many times should I need to tell you this?." She said, And I was relieved that still, she was holding on to our promise. She was lying to my family because of me. But I know my dad and here he comes.

"Oh, really you want me to believe this bullshit of yours. E please you, me and everyone knows this won't be the truth and I know how to extract the truth from my daughter. Once she tells me the truth, James and I will make sure that Ajen will pay for this. And I already told my people to search for him in New York."

No, he can't do this to him. I need to come up with something if I get up now dad will interrogate me till I confess the truth. And to save Ajen's life I need to be in a coma but that will be unfair to my family. I need a plan where dad will never ask questions about Ajen and Ajen will be safe. Think Siravana.

After some time a plan came into my mind and for that, I need to wake up. I tried to open my eyes but no result it was dark. I tried to move my fingers and bingo I felt one of my finger is moving. I tried to open my eyes again and slowly my eyes started to open. Everything was blur around me. I took a look at my surroundings and saw everything was white, the walls, my bedsheet. I saw someone sitting on sofa to my left I was not able to see that person properly at first but after some time I saw that person was none other than my dad but he was reading a magazine. I moved my hand up to gain his attention but he was too engrossed in the magazine.

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