Chapter Five

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Chapter Five – Nana please wake up

Eyaana's Pov.

(After Siravana's Accident)

I was getting ready for school and yaa I remember I have to pick up nana from her house.Today will be a long day cause convincing nana to come to school is not an easy job she said yes yesterday but I know her, she said yes because she wanted me to leave but I am also as stubborn as her I will convince her.

As I was putting my things in my backup my phone started to ring I thought who might it be cause it's 6.15 in the morning who gets up so early . I thought may be nana is calling me. I went towards my dressing table where my phone was . I saw an unknown number flashed on my phone screen.I picked it up.

"Hello"I said.

"Am I speaking to Miss Eyaana." unknown man said.

"Yes."I said. Who could this person be ? and why he is calling me at this time?.

"Eyaana, I am Officer Lee speaking.Me and my team found a girl badly injured at Cross park road.She met with an accident while riding her bike. We checked her phone and in that you are the only person she called yesterday so I called you to inform you that we took her to Lady Rose hospital.Please contact her family and tell them to reach to lady rose hospital asap." He said.

No,No,No this can't be happening.She can't be nana.Nana was at home we planned to go to school together.Fuckk this can't be happening.

"Hello,Miss Eyaana are you there?"He said.

"Uhh...., Did you said she was riding a bike"I said.Please say no may be he said car and I heard bike.

"Yes, we found a damaged bike at the scene, You know her right?"he said.Shit so I heard right.

Oh God! Bike and cross park road.Cross park road is the area where Ajen used to stay.This girl went to see him.Shit I should have stayed with her last night.

"Yes,I know her."I said.

"Please contact her family,Thankyou." He said.

"Yes, I will."I said. With that the phone went dead.

I took my car keys and my purse and went downstairs I need to go to nana now she needs me.I stood on my porch and called nana but her phone was switched off so I tried again but still her phone was switched off.I ran towards my car and opened my car door and while sitting in the car I called uncle Williams nana's dad.I was panicking as the rings were going on .Stay calm eyaana, stay calm I said to myself nana needs you, you have to be strong for her.After 3 rings he finally picked up.

"Hey E,Morning"he said.

"Uncle there is no time for good mornings,I got an call from an officer named lee he said that they found a girl who met with an accident at cross park road and she has a bike with her they called me because they got my number from her phone and I think that girl is nana we have to go to lady rose hospital now."I said while starting my car.

"No,this can't be true she must be at home getting ready for her school.A lot of girls have bike now a days she can't be our Siravana."he said in a panicked tone.

"Uncle,I know I also didn't believed it at first but a girl with a bike at cross park road and that girl have my number.This cant be just a coincidence.And I tried calling her as soon as I got this news but her phone is switched off.Uncle I think you should call aunty lily to check whether nana is in her room or not if she is not please all of you guys come to Lady rose hospital and call james too."I said.

" I hope she as at home, please god keep her safe please. E,I will do as you said but please will you go to Lady Rose hospital first."he said in worried voice. I knew how much he loved nana.Nana is his world. I still hope that girl shouldn't be my nana.

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