Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.

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Requested by Ultrakid2020

Web series- Hazin Hotel.

(Y/N's POV)

I was on my way to work at the Hazin hotel once again, I honestly don't know if this plan of redeeming all of us demons is really gonna work but hey I'm not one to voice my opinions really. Plus the person who runs it, Charlie is not a bad boss, in fact, she is one of the best bosses I ever had, and she is way better than all of the other bosses I worked for when I was alive and down here. She isn't an asshole that's for damn sure but as much she is nice, something about her recently is very....strange. She is very friendly to everyone but to me, she is always extra cheerful towards me and is very close to me at almost all times. Now, I tried to bring this up to her but she always changes the subject and talks to me about her project and whatnot. I gave up talking to her and instead went looking for other work somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, I love the people but I don't like the work which should be expected but damns it is a pain. So lately, I have been looking at alternative places to go to while on my breaks, I see places that are classy joints but the work is extra hard but the plus side is that they pay way more than what I'm getting right now. So I'll look more at those places during one of my breaks, I made it to the front doors and clocked in and went upstairs to get my boots on. Just then, I see Charlie herself walking into the room I was in and had her usual but odd smile.

 Just then, I see Charlie herself walking into the room I was in and had her usual but odd smile

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Charlie- Top of the morning Y/N!

Y/N- Hey Charlie, what's up?

Charlie- Oh! Just checking on my best worker right?!

Best worker? To be honest, I don't think so.

Y/N- Really? Well ok then.

Charlie- OK! So.....keep it up Y/N I know you will!

Charlie then left the room skipping and I was not surprised at the least by that.

Y/N-...Well then. 

I continued to do my job and think about when I should put my resignation papers down. 


(Charlies POV)

I was watching Y/N do what he does best and thinking about just how wonderful he is, but I also have to take care of his desire to leave this hotel. He is not leaving here and working somewhere else, he belongs here and he belongs to me.~ 

Charlie's mind- I won't let you leave Y/N...oh no sir.~

So I went to every place Y/N searched for and emailed them some "Tiny" threats to make sure they reject his application and what happens when they either refuse to obey me or tell him about what I'm doing. I may be nice but I'm not immune to unleash my demonic side on them and show no mercy but I hope I don't have to do such a thing and let them sink in my words.

Charlie- Don't worry Y/N, when you are down in the dumps and can't seem to find work elsewhere, I'll be there for you and I will offer a bonus you couldn't refuse.~ I'll make sure it happens.

(No POV)

And so... Charlie's master plan worked as each time Y/N applied for new jobs and went to interviews, he was rejected each time and the ones who were going to accept him were never seen back to work again. Y/N was feeling down each time he was rejected to the point where he will take extra shifts at the Hazin hotel just to get out of that depressed state. Charlie noticed and did step two of her plan and that is to cheer him up and give him those bonuses so good, he will never want to leave. Just like she wants it to be, so she took him to her office and gave him that sweet bonuses that Y/N took with flying colors.

Y/N- Oh thank you, Charlie! I promise to work very hard for this!

Charlie- Oh...I know you will.~

Then Charlie dismissed him and was so happy that she couldn't help but laugh for a bit. The plan of hers worked and now Y/N has no choice to leave unless he wants to be homeless, she now has Y/N under her grasp and never intends to let him go for a very long time.

Charlie's mind- Now, your official mine now and forever Y/N.~

(The end)

Hey folks, sorry this is super short than usual but hey sometimes that's just how it is, plus my computer is about to die so I kinda had to wrap it up so....yeah. Anyway, Ya'll have a good night now!

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