Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.

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Danganronpa series.

(No POV)

Dark and uncertain times are ahead, as the evil organization known as the Remnants of Despair are taking over various territories and have already an army that can fight the national guard. The police are having an extremely difficult time keeping the peace as citizens are in panic and the government has not been doing much action to tackle the organization. One officer named Y/N L/N has been working tirelessly day and night to help tackle the situation but lately, he has been feeling that his work has done nothing remotely close to progress and feels like he should...leave but one staff member is the reason why he stays and she is there for any trouble he faces.  But what happens when this staff member is more than meets the eye?

(Y/N's POV)

I was yawing from all of this paperwork I got to deal with and the fact that crime rates have gone up has not been helping in the slightest. I lay back for a full minute till I heard knocking on my door.

*Knock Knock*

Y/N- Come in.

The door opened to see a good face around here.

The door opened to see a good face around here

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Y/N- Ahh Hello Ms.Mukuro.

Mukuro- Why good afternoon, officer Y/N. What's the matter?

Y/N- Oh you know, nothing but shitty paperwork and stuff.

Mukuro- Well, I don't admire your job but I sure know that it's neverending work when not in the field.

Y/N- Yeah, say Mukuro....do you know anything about the-


I heard my walkie-talkie beep and I responded to the call.

Y/N- Officer Y/N, what seems to be the problem?

"We need all available officers now, we have the location of one of the Remnants of despairs warehouses and could have led to their leader. We need you on squad crew 14 right now. Over and out."

Y/N- Roger that, over and out.

I got up from my desk to put on my jacket, my tools, and my radio then headed out the door.

Mukuro- Be careful out there, you....may never know what will happen out there.

Y/N- Thank you, I'll be careful. Take care.

I went to the car and got ready to go to the warehouse location and this may be the chance to make some good changes around here.

Y/N's mind-Its now or never.

(Mukuro's POV)

I waited till almost everyone was not present in the building and once I heard the clear signs, I went through Y/N's files and I was correct about my suspicions. He has vital information on the warehouses we have and the fact he has done this all by himself is amazing. He is talented at gathering information and this has helped me make our next moves more effective. I must say, he would be an excellent addition to the organization, in fact...I think he will be the new member.~

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