Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.

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Requested by Free_Beyblade01

(Y/N's POV) 

I'm heading on over to the Academy where I'm going to work in the nighttime crew tonight. I chose this because one I couldn't deal with the student population any longer from the constant glares from the boys to the girls surrounding me teasing me or "flirting" with me simply because I look like a middle schooler. Hey, its not my fault that I never had my growth spurt and the fact that I'm actually 22 years old doesn't make it any better for me. Anyway, the night shifts has been better but as of the past two months I have been noticing strange things happening around the school. Like for example, things have been disappearing like my tools that I have to go look for and when I do find them, a small card is left to the side with messages thats says things like: "The time will come soon enough when we will call you ours~❤️". Along with it was a very strange emblem like drawing in the back of the card, strange but I'll admit whoever drew that should go to do art.

But anyways, that's just one of many things that has happened like the sounds of footsteps though hallways, lights coming on then back off for a split second and last but not least, the flapping of wings. I swear to you that I'm not making up crap but I hear it like its getting closer, louder and then its gone. I don't know what to think of this, at first I reported my complaints to the headmaster but he just said that there's nothing to worry about and its just my imagination. Fine don't help me then, well now I have to be extra aware of my surroundings which is a pain in my ass. But what can I do quit? Nah, cant happen mainly because this is one of the only available jobs in this town, so I took the job and thought at least its better than no job at all. Well, enough said I arrived at the front gates of the academy and opened the lock with my key and headed inside. 

10 minutes of walking later....

I got to the back lockers and got on my jumpsuit on and went to find my boss. I looked around and spotted him near the big fountain sitting down on the edges taking a smoke. Well he's not suppose to do that but since this section of the school has no cameras and nobody is suppose to here at this time so I guess he figured he can do that. Well his fault if he's caught but one closer to him and report for duty. 

Y/N- Hey sir.

Boss- Oh hey Y/N, just got here?

Y/N- Yup and here to report in.

Boss- Report noted. Ok, well I want you for now to focus on the gym locker rooms, the first and second classrooms and probably the student council room too just in case. 

Y/N- Got it. Oh, and where are the others?

Boss- There doing the opposite side of the school. 

Y/N- Oh ok, well I'm off to work.

Boss- Later Y/N.

Then I left to the Janitorial closet and got out the cart with all the tools needed. Once I did, I made my way to the gym locker and got to work but first, I got out my phone to play some jams. One of the perks that is actually good, getting to listen to music whenever I wanted now that's cool. Well, time for work.

*Music plays*

(No POV)

But while Y/N is working and listening to his jams pretty loud, he is oblivious to what is going to happen. The two of the most popular girls in the school is now gonna make a move to get rid of the extras and take the Janitor for not only themselves but also their peerage members as well. Oh yes, Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri themselves. Sona took the side where the three other Janitors are at and Rias took the side where Y/N and the boss is. Sona ordered her Peerage to kill the three Janitors however they see fit. Shinra killed the first one by an axe, head chopped so clean even a serial killer would run in fear. Next was the second one, Hanakai used some lethal poison to add to his/her soft drink and took a sip out of it and not long after he/she choked and life went out of her body. The last Janitor died by Himura pushing him/her down the stairs that had three sharp knifes taped pointing upwards waiting to stab three vital parts in their body. He/she got stabbed in the heart, throat and in the forehead and only a pool of blood was left. After Sona congratulated her members for the kills and bonus points for the brutal or creative ways of executions. Then she and her peerage made their way to Rias and her peerage to see if they did their part. 

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