Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)

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Requested by AmaterasuNoMangaka

(No POV)

A few months have passed since Y/N and Claire married, Mason was proud to be the son of Y/N L/N and vowed to keep it that way for the rest of his life, but along the way, he had to kill people to do so. From his past tormentors, annoying people in their lives and other people like so. But one day, Y/N and Clare invited some people to a formal dinner and Mason was about to add another group of people to his kill list: The Hoggers.

(Y/N's POV)

I was heading my way to the house from work waiting to tell Claire that I got the promotion and wanted to host a dinner with my boss and his wife. 

Y/N's mind- Oh, this is gonna be exciting.


I got home, walked to the front door, and saw Clare sitting down on the couch watching TV.

Clare- Hey Honey! How was work?

I walked up to her, gave her a quick kiss, and was ready to tell them the news.

Y/N- Very good, Clare. Guess what happened at work today?

Clare- Yes?

Y/N- I got...the promotion.

Clare- Oh Y/N, I'm so happy for you!

We hugged in joy and after we calmed, I told her about my plan.

Y/N- And what if we hosted a dinner inviting my boss and her wife here?

Clare- Oh sure, I would like to meet them both.

Y/N- Oh good, you would like them. Ok, I'm gonna give him a call to invite him, and then, we should go to the grocery store when Mason gets home from school.

Clare- Sounds like a plan. I'll go get ready.

Clare went upstairs and I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water with a smile on my face.

Y/N's mind- I wonder how mason will react to this exciting news.


(Mason's POV)

I got off the bus and walked back home where I was excited to see mom and Y/N, I wonder what we're gonna do this weekend. It doesn't matter what we do, as long it's the three of us. I walked to the door and heard that the house was too quiet.

Mason- Y/N? Mom?

I didn't hear anything back and started to worry a bit, so I called mom hoping she answers me.

Mason- Come on mom.

Then I heard she picked up and I was very glad she did.

Mom- Yes Sweetie?

Mason- Where are you and Y/N?

Mom- We are at the grocery store because your dad and I are getting food to host a dinner.

Hosting a dinner means other people in our home. I don't like this already.

Mason- Oh...so who is coming over?

Mom- I think it's best that I put Y/N on the phone for this cause this is exciting news.

I heard some talk between Y/N and mom but all I thought was the fact that some strangers were coming to our loving home.

Y/N- H-hey Mason.

Mason- So who is coming, Y/N?

Y/N- So, today at work, Mr. Dave called me to his office and told me that I was getting a promotion today due to my loyalty and hard work to the company. So, I accepted the promotion and to give my thanks, I thought it was a good idea to invite him and his wife, Mrs.Rebacca for dinner.

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