Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.

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(Halloween special #1)

(Y/N's POV)

It was around midnight here in my ranger standpoint just goofing off, to be honest, and playing cards by myself. This is so boring that I could be going treat-or-treating with my two little cousins but nope boss man wanted me here so I'm here much to my displeasure.

Y/N- *Sigh*

(Radio Static)

I heard the radio come on and I picked it up.

Y/N- Ranger Y/N in post 9, you're live.

*Eyy Y/N, how's it going bro*

Y/N- *Chuckling* sup Mark, nothing much over here, just chilling in my post bored to death.

Mark- *Same here Y/N, man I cant believe bitch ass boss man wanted us two out of all people to cover tonight when he has hundreds of us to cover.*

Y/N- *Man Mark, I couldn't tell you but I guess we are good employees I guess. ...Actually, scratch that, I think he did ask so many of them but rejected him and we were his last two options so he put us in without warning.*

Mark- *I'll believe that any day, hey...speaking of which, you haven't heard anything strange where you at right?*

I stood up and went outside for a bit to check for anything that sounded suspicious but nothing strange at all, just wind and the crickets. I went back inside and got back to Mark.

Y/N- *Sorry Mark, I'm back I just went outside to check anything weird sounding but nothing over here chief. Why do you ask?*

Mark- *I asked because there have been rangers in different sections talking about some kind of creature attacking them in the night.*

That's odd, a creature? Not some kind of bear or anything normal?

Y/N- *Well, what creature do they say Mark?*

Mark- *Well, they said it kinda like a wolf creature although not really, she wears a coat and clothing just like a human does.*

Y/N- *Your joking right?*

Mark- *I wish I was making this up but that's what they legitimately said and one more thing they mentioned is that this half-wolf thing can...Speak.*

Y/N- *Oh great, a talking wolf creature.*

Mark-*I know this sounds like a bullshit story or a cheap horror movie but they said what they saw so maybe take their words with a grain of salt.*

Y/N- *Yeah, imma do that cause that sounds like a wack-ass story that is just right for Halloween but crazy any other day.*

Mark- *Laughs* Well, I gotta get back to watching so I'll talk to you later ok?

Y/N- *Sure thing Mark, see you and over and out.*

Mark- *Over and out*

*Radio click*

I sat back in my chair thinking about what Mark said about this creature who is apparently a half-wolf half-human creature. I don't believe that is true but like all urban myths, there must be online pictures of it that seem real but are totally fake. 

Y/N- But...if it was real then just kill me then. 

Well, speaking of kill, I'm gonna take a quick nap to pass the time. Hopefully, Mark wakes me up by blasting the radio.

Y/N- *Yawning* time for sleepy time.

I closed my eyes and let the snoozes take me.

(????'s POV)

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