Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader

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(No POV)

Y/N is waking up early in the morning to get dressed to go to another day of babysitting twin brothers Nate and Calvin. They are both sweet and fun-loving boys who seem to get attached to you for always wanting to play with them and other fun stuff like that. Their dad is almost always working late and so he never really spends time with his sons and with no mom with them because she died from a heart attack a few years ago, you became their go-to person for help when they were in trouble, a person of where you know the answers to their questions, and when they were feeling any bad feelings, you were there to comfort them like a mother would. So basically you became the two-in-one parent model for them. You were happy at your work, not because of the money but for taking care of twin boys who just wanted an adult who they can trust, for you that's good enough for feeling satisfaction of making the boys day. But today would be the day where you wouldn't be their babysitter per say anymore....why well let's find out. 

(Y/N's POV)

I was heading to my car and begin to drive off to their house. It sure was a semi-dark morning with a hint of chilly air but nothing too bad to make one shiver in their bones. I woke up a bit late than my usual time so I didn't had time to make myself or buy any breakfast so I may go hungry for a while until I get to their house and hopefully they have food I can make myself. But my focus should be on the road now instead of food and so I went on my way.

(Timeskip, 1 hour later)

I made it to the neighborhood where they house is and it should be right.........here!


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I'm still amazed where they live, man if this is one thing I think I would never say again but Damn these folks are rich! I parked in the front side of the front house and I was headed to the front door when suddenly the dad Mr.Garcia went outside and was about to head to the garage most likely leaving for work already.

Jeez, what a workaholic, I wish that he would take the time to spend time with Calvin and Nate instead of working what seems like 24 hrs a day but

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Jeez, what a workaholic, I wish that he would take the time to spend time with Calvin and Nate instead of working what seems like 24 hrs a day but....its not of my business at the end of the day and I have a job to do and thats what i'm going to do.

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