2022 Thanksgiving Special!

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(No POV)

Today is Thanksgiving day and almost everyone across the world is celebrating with good food, family and friends coming together, and most of all, making memories in the process. However, unfortunately for some, that isn't the case, like our protagonist Y/N who is homeless with no known family and a hard past currently waiting in a long line at a local homeless shelter for a chance of a hot meal. What is waiting for him on this day is unknown to him and you too but soon, it will be known to him and you reading. Enjoy.~

(Y/N's POV)

It is so cold today that my hands were numb at this point but hopefully, there is some food left for me so I can survive another day. There were only four people ahead of me which was a good sign but as soon as the last person left the line, one of the volunteers went out of the tent and had her megaphone on.

Volunteer- Attention everyone, we are sincerely sorry for announcing this but we have just served the last plate of food we had available. At this time, we are closing the shelter down for the holiday, we again apologize for this. Have a good day everyone.

My heart shattered as my chance for food is now gone and now I have to start till the next day when black Friday happens when traffic is high. The rest of us left and went our separate ways with some being furious but others in complete sadness including myself. I went back to my makeshift camp and just laid down, crying silently. 

(A few hours later)  

Hours went by and I stopped sobbing, I was now just laying down on my cardboard looking at the night sky, mindlessly praying and wishing for some food. I know it's crazy but when you have no money to buy food and when a chance to get some just ran out, I don't have any other options. But I got tired soon after and just wanted to get thanksgiving day out of the way, and hope I can have some people to give me some but we'll see.

Y/N- Goodnight world, have a blessed day...unlike...me. ZZZZZ.....

(No POV)

When Y/N went fast asleep, a bright light hovered over him with an observational purpose. It spoke softly and said...

"Your cries for food, warmth, and shelter have now been answered, I will take care of you Y/N L/N."

The light grew brighter and soon, Y/N vanished from his camp with no signs of his disappearance. Where is he taken to and who was the figure that spoke?


(Y/N's POV)

I woke up with my body feeling soft and not hard like the concrete ground, so I got up and found to be laying on a big, very soft bed with my ragged clothes still on so I am still alive. But the question is, where the hell am I and who took me here while I was sleeping? I got out of bed and headed to the door, but there was a note on the floor. I picked it up to see what it said and it said:

"Head to the kitchen and a huge feast will be waiting just for you. See you then.~"

- A.

Who is this A person is and I don't know if this is some kind of deathtrap waiting but...

*Stomach rumble*

Seeing that I'm really starving at this point, I kinda have no reason to deny this risk. I opened the door and wandered around this fancy but cozy house. I took my time exploring and trying to find the kitchen and I followed the delicious smell coming to the west side of the place. And once I made it, there was a huge dining area where lots of food, drinks, and desserts were held. Plus, candles were lit, and a single chair and table were there.

Y/N- Hello?! Anyone?!

I walked towards the food, slowly and looked at the environment to make sure nothing happens to me.

"There's no need to be afraid Y/N, your safe now.~"

I heard a soft voice coming from the top of the house and then a bright light shined at my face, blinding me. I looked up once my vision came back and I was shocked with all of my being.

 I looked up once my vision came back and I was shocked with all of my being

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"Don't be scared now, you are in the presence of a high angel. My name is Aurora and I know all about you Y/N.~"

Y/N- H-how? I thought Angels were only myths and how do you know me?

Aurora- I was assigned to watch over you since you were born and I know about your sad and hard life, abandoned by your parents, raised in cold and godless orphanage homes, and alone for most of your life due to shyness, depression, and bullied.

Y/N- I-if you were watching me, then why did my life lead to the streets?!

Aurora- I only could if you believed in us and the almighty but since you never did, I was powerless to help you in major ways. But don't think of me as cruel, it broke my heart to see you in your worst times so while I couldn't do much, I did do enough so you lived to finally pray for help and have your heart to accept.~

I couldn't believe that my praying actually did anything, I now know that god is real

Aurora- And now, you can feast to your heart's content. A warm fire beside you and a study warm home along with it. Just like you prayed for.~

Y/N- I-I don't know what to say but...praise the lord!

Aurora- Very pleasing to me Y/N, now go and eat, you have earned it.~

I didn't need a second thought to go for a plate and filled it to the brim with Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and with a lot of rolls. I got a glass of sweet tea and went to sit down on the table with my fork and knife in my hand. 

Y/N's mind- Thank you god for Aurora, now time to dig in.

(Aurora's POV)

I quietly left the dining hall to seal all of the windows, doors, cellar, and basement doors making sure it is locked tight so Y/N doesn't have any chance of escaping or running from me. I waited for so long for your prayer so I can now make your life the best it can be and deserved, so that's why you must stay at my home for the rest of your mortal days, and fear not, I have plans for you once you pass on. But that's in the far future but for now, I must attend to you.

Aurora's mind- I have you now Y/N, and will make you happy, no matter what.~ *Giggles*~

(The END)

Happy Thanksgiving folks hope your day is a special one with good family, friends, and lots of good food along the way too. Hope you also enjoy this one shot too but till next time, happy Thanksgiving, and see ya'll later!! :)

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