Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.

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Requested by PedroPicaPio

(Y/N's POV)

I'm walking to the backstreets in the middle of the night to pay this man who is only named the collector, I wish I didn't have to do this but since I loaned money from him to pay for living in this damn city, I have no choice and I don't want to die in here anyways. I made it to the usual meeting spot, a single lamp shining underneath me and nothing else, just great. And when it comes to money, I heard him and his men coming near and I had the envelope ready. And I saw that scared ugly face and he had his usual smirk on him, he knows I'm at my knees at this point.

Collector- So Mr.Y/N, got the money on you?

Y/N- Here, as usual.  

I handed it to him and he grabbed it from me fast and opened it up to count the money. He was done in a minute and pocketed it.

Collecter- Yes sir, made it on time as usual.

Y/N- I know, I cant wait to be done with this.

Collecter- Indeed, though I have to say one thing, due to circumstances I'm gonna have to raise your interest and monthly payment.

Y/N- What?!?! You can't do that!

I wanted to punch him but one of his men stopped me and hit me with the butt end of his gun and I fell to the floor, getting my clothes wet and my face in pain.

Collecter- *Laughs* Nice try there. Well, since you are helpless anyways, it already settled on this change, would you agree?

I didn't look at him but nodded in disgust, this bastard deserves to burn in hell. 

Collecter- In that case, see you next month Y/N. *Laughs*

And just like that, he and his men vanished into the darkness and left me all alone on the floor, with my nose bleeding.

Y/N- Fuck. This was the worst choice I ever made in my damn life.

I stood back up and was heading home but along the way, I couldn't help but feel that something was near, I checked and no one was around. So, I kept walking back feeling cautious, but then I saw a person's shadow, I could see who it was and I had no other way of getting home so I had to brave it and keep moving. The shadow didn't move as I made it closer and then, I heard it speak.

"Been having trouble there, Mr.Y/N?"

Y/N- Huh? Who are...

Then, the figure got closer and the light poles revealed who it was.

Then, the figure got closer and the light poles revealed who it was

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"Hello again Y/N."

Y/N- Wait, Iris? I didn't recognize you there for a minute, what are you doing here?

Iris- I was waiting for you to show up here, I need to talk to you about something, I know about your situation.

I was shocked to hear this, cause I told no one about this and I didn't even consider her, even though she is a skilled detective. I didn't want anyone to get involved in my mess but I may need help this time as he rose the payments up. 

Y/N- *Sigh* Come inside and I'll tell, I might as well since I'm screwed anyway.

We entered my home and she sat down on the couch while I made us some coffee, then once we got our cups, I confessed everything to her and she listened to me all the way through. 

Iris- I see Y/N and why didn't you say anything to the police or maybe...me?

Y/N- I didn't want to bring anyone down with me, this guy has the streets in his hands and I don't want you to get hurt by my stupid decisions.

She then got up from the couch, faced me, and kissed my lips. I was shocked by this but I kissed back and this went on for a full minute before she let go and whispered something in my ears.

Iris- You are such a good yet stupid person but don't worry about me Y/N, I got everything under control.~

She then left my house leaving me baffled yet feeling warm inside, I don't know what she means by she has it under control, but I think I can sleep well tonight.

Y/N- I wonder what's next?


(No POV)

Iris took the case of Y/N's gang problem very personally, she gathered all the information she could from associates of the gang, blackmailed any higher-ups for info on the boss, and had to do some "Integration" to finally catch the collecter in a corner.

Collector- You think you win bitch, I have other men who will go after you once you put me in the damn cell, you can count on that.

She hit him with the butt end of her gun and kicked him in the stomach.

Iris- I don't give a flying damn, let them come to me cause when it comes to Y/N, you messed with the wrong woman, you don't mess with a woman's man ever.

She gagged him and she wasn't gonna take him to prison, she was gonna something much more fitting for him. There was a metal presser in the area and she was gonna do something worth it and the collecter is gonna be meat paste today.

Iris- Here we are, any last words?

He tried to set himself free but she had the upper hand and tossed him between the press plates and turned on the machine. She then left without stopping her steps or looking back, but the sound of...


Was enough for her to have a wide smile on her face.

(Iris's POV)

After a job well done, I went back to my house and called Y/N to hint him of the good news and something else.

 Iris- Hello Y/N.

Y/N- "Hey Iris, how are you doing today?

Iris- Just fine, actually more than fine cause I got some news to tell you. The collecter will no longer...bother you anymore.

Y/N- "Wait... you're serious? Does that mean...I'm free.?"

Iris- *Giggles* Yes.

I heard some cheering on the other end and that warmed me inside, I knew this would be worth it in the end.

Y/N- "I...I...I don't know how else to thank you!"

Iris- Well, I was thinking there is a way and that is taking me on a date this Saturday, how about a movie to see Dr. Starnge 2? 

Y/N- "Y-yeah, that would be a great idea!! See you then!!"

He hung up and I held the phone close to me, it worked but I have some other work to do like get some dirt to Y/N's boss to give him better hours, pay, and benefits but that is in due time.

Iris's mind- For now, I have a date to prepare for, as he is now in my grasp.~

(The End)

Hope you enjoy this one as I am still accepting the fact that unidentified562 is now gone but I wish him the best for him and I will remember him for years to come. Well, excuse the little speech there, and hope to talk to you kind folks later. See ya'll!! :) :)

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