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~Mary Jay~

"Just read it."

"This is pointless."

"I didn't ask."

"So, leave."

"Oh my goodness." I threw my head back in frustration as I rubbed my temples. Tutoring Mateo was way harder than I expected. We'd been in the library for 20 minutes and hadn't gone over a single lesson. The boy doesn't wanna do anything.

"Just say you did it and leave." He rolled his eyes.

"If Mr. Davis doesn't see any improvement in your grade, I'm gonna be forced to go back to Mr. Hendrix's class and that's not happening."

"What even happened with him?"

"Simple, he's racist."

He shook his head, "I always knew something was up with that guy. But then again, I'm never in his class."

"You have Mr. Hendrix?" I rose my eyebrows.

He shrugged, "He's the reason I'm failing. He's an asshole so I don't go to his class."

"So, you're not actually terrible at english?"

He picked up his bag off the floor and went to reach for something.

"Okay, chill, I'll stop arguing," I rose my hands in innocence.

He narrowed his eyes confusingly before pulling out a blue folder. I let out a sigh,

"Oh, haha, anyways."

He blinked and rolled his eyes before putting the bag down and running a hand through his messy hair.

It always looks so soft. It's annoying.

"That folder is all the assignments I never turn in. I wait until the end of the year when they threaten to hold me back so I can turn them in all at once instead of actually going to class."

I slid the folder over to me and sifted through some of the papers. They actually looked pretty well written.

"So, there is literally no point in me being here."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." He snatched the folder from my hands.

I deadpanned and before picking up my bag to leave. If I wasn't actually tutoring someone, then there was no point in trying. I'd just get another student to tutor.

To my dismay, he grabbed my bag too quick and pulled me back.

"Where are you going?"

I scooted away, "To go ask to tutor someone else, duh."

He threw away my bag roughly and I stood up again.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because you're not learning anything. You're just wasting my time." I fixed my strap back over my shoulder.

"You can't do that."

"Who says?"

"I do. If you tell him that you're not actually tutoring me, he'll know I'm only skipping to get out of Hendrix's class. The one thing we can agree on is neither of us wanna be in there.

He did have a point. But why would I do something that would bring Easton joy? Yeah, no. Maybe on another planet.

But then again, who wants to deal with racists?

Decisions, decisions. . .

"Fine," I sat down, "So what, we just sit here like a couple of idiots?"

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