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Song above mentioned in the story! Like the choice *pun intended*

~Mary Jay~

"Stop moving, dammit!" Beck commanded as she swiped another layer of mascara onto my eyelashes.

We were currently in Carter's dorm room while they helped me get ready.

Well, correction, Beck was helping me get ready. Carter, on the other hand, kept screaming at the t.v as he watched Miraculous Lady Bug.

"There's no way she doesn't know that's Adrien. Cmon, this is like watching an ongoing masquerade mishap." Carter shoved another handful of chips into his mouth.

"You're getting crumbs everywhere." I giggled.

"Quit talking! You're smudging your lipgloss." Beck scolded.

"It's not like it's that important anyways. It's like an hour long and that's it."

"God, you're like one of those people who are like 'I don't wanna dress up for prom, it's just one night!"

"Well, technically-"

"Technically, nothing. It means way more than one hour and I will live vicariously through you tonight so you better work it." She pointed the eyeliner pen in my face.

I rolled my eyes and she giggled as I glanced beck over to Carter who's eyes were still glued to the t.v. He threw his hands in the air dramatically before aggressively grabbing the remote and flicking it off.

"I'm not watching this anymore. Suggestions?" He smiled innocently.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by the door swinging open. I didn't even have to move to know who know who it was; The air instantly filled with sarcasm.

That made absolutely no sense, but go with it.

"Why the hell is there a fashion show going on in my dorm room?" Easton asked, throwing his jacket onto the computer chair as he ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

"It's not a fashion show, dim-witt. We're helping MJ here get ready for her dance recital." Beck explained.

"So, a fashion show?" Easton repeated sarcastically.

Beck rolled her eyes and motioned for me to pout my lips so she could apply another layer of lipgloss.

I complied as Carter stood up, admiring my makeup, "Pretty. Me next!"

"I actually can if you want-" Beck started.

"I was kidding. But I really could rock some blue eyeshadow, don't you think? Hashtag, screw toxic masculinity."

I giggled, almost messing Beck up. She scowled at me before pulling away and admiring her work. "All done, princess!"

"All that makeup yet you still like like that." Easton scoffed, grabbing a chip from Carter's bag.

"If you're in love with me, just say that." I teased.

"You'd like that?" He retorted.

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Easton."

"Bold of you to think you're in my wildest dreams."

"Bold of you to think I give a shit."

"Woah, hey, hey now. None of that, you'll sweat and smudge my artwork!" Beck scolded.

"It's just a little friendly banter, right, MJ?" An evil smirk played across his stupid face.

"Of course. Oh, what would I do without an annoying freak on my nerves 24/7?"

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