All Fun

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~Mary Jay~

"I'm racing, you idiot."

"This just made a whole lotta' sense." Beck scoffed.

"Are you kidding me?!" I spat out.

"MJ, it's not-"

"I wanna do it!"

I'm guessing that took them all by surprise except for Mateo as they looked at me like I'd just said I wanted to go sky diving with no parachute.

"What? I'm serious. I wanna do it."

"Do you even have your license?" Carter asked.

"I'm 17, of course I do. Plus, who cares. This doesn't look very legal anyways." I pointed to all the very rebellious looking people with cash.

Carter whipped around to Easton, "She's got a point."

Easton deadpanned and sighed, "Mary Jay, can I talk to you." It sounded more like an order than a question.

"We're talking right now dumbas-"


I felt Beck's elbow jab into my back. I stomped on her toe in return.

"Whatever, sure."

Easton nodded and guided us over to a less crowded area. I ended up taking a glance back to see Carter, Beck, and Ali doing smooch faces.

I think I died a little on the inside.

Easton turned around quickly, "What are you doing?"

I hit his stomach lightly, "Livin' life like Larry, ya'know?"

"Mary Jay."

I sighed in realization he obviously wasn't in the mood to joke.

"I could ask you the same, Easton."

"You have your secrets, I have mine."

"Well, this-" I gestured to the major crowd, "Doesn't look like a secret."

"I'm serious, MJ. What are you doing?" He put emphasis on the word 'what.'

"I'm serious, Easton. I got bored and Beck suggested that we come here. It wasn't even my idea. Plus, why does it matter to you?" I crossed my arms.

"Because this place isn't. . " He paused.

"Isn't what? Legal? I think I know that by-"

"Safe. For. . . girls. Like you."

I scoffed in disbelief, "Really? Then tell me, did you ever bring Trinity here?"

"Why would that matter, Mary Jay?" He furrowed his brow. He was starting to get annoyed.

"The same way it matters to you why I'm here."

He sighed, "I didn't mean it like that and you know it."

"So how did you mean it, Easton?"

"I'm just saying that the guys here aren't ideal. If you think I'm bad, you don't wanna know what some of the guys here are known for. And when they see pretty girls dressed like how you are, it doesn't end well." He kept his eyes on my face searching for a hint of what I was going to say next.

I pondered what he was saying. It did make sense, these people didn't look like the most selfless people in the world. In fact, they looked quite the opposite. But what came out of my mouth probably wasn't expected.


"You- That's what you took from that?" There was a slight tone of humor in his words.

"Your words, not mine."

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