Exciting News

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~Mary Jay~

"Goodmorning, my lovelies! How are we all feeling today?" Mrs. Rivera smiled brightly as her baby blue sundress flowed and she opened her windows, allowing light to pass through.

Most students mumbled a 'fine' but she took it for what it's worth and kept her grin flashing.

Meanwhile, I could barely pry my eyes open.

I'm not exaggerating. At all.

Carter and Easton walked in a minute late; Mrs. Rivera excused it and took attendance as usual. Carter looked just as drained as me, yet Easton looked like his regular self.

What a weirdo.

I slouched into my chair as my curls hung over my eyes and my jacket fell over my shoulder slightly. I decided on wearing slacks today instead of a skirt. There was no way in heaven nor hell I was about to go skipping around like

Mrs. Rivera smoothed her dress down as she sat, crossing her legs at the ankles.

"Okay," she sighed, "We shall start now. How was everyone's weekend?"

Boy-o, do I have an exciting story for you.

Since nobody seemed eager to answer, she went ahead and answered her own question.

"I'll go first. My husband and I went out of town for a small getaway and he proposed. Well, re-proposed. We're getting our vows renewed."

Even through my terrible dread, my heart strings pulled a little. Mrs. Rivera loved her husband dearly, and I pray to the spirit above us that he loves her just as much.

I sat up straight, "Congratulations, Mrs. Rivera. That sounds amazing."

"It is, MJ. Thank you, you all have been my most supportive group. Now, moving on to your guy's such consuming lives."

A girl sitting a few seats down spoke next, "My weekend consisted of detention and Just Dance videos on my laptop."

Now, that sounds like something Beck and I would get into.

Mrs. Rivera perked up, "That's sound delightful! Well, the dance part, maybe not detention."

The girl scoffed, "It was with Hendrix."

I cringed just hearing his name.

Racist bastard.

Even Mrs. Rivera sighed, "You all didn't hear this from me, but I think he has some serious issues."

"You don't even know the half of it." I mumbled.

"What was that, MJ?"

I forced a soft smile, "Nothing relevant."

Mrs. Rivera pouted slightly, "How about you? You look a little drained, are you alright?"

I scoffed and waved a hand, "Just peachy."

"How about you lead us today? How was your weekend?" I'm sure she wasn't deliberately pushing, but she was definitely pushing.

"It was. . fun. I had lots of fun. With friends."

She shimmed her shoulders," Ooo, what'd you crazy kids get into?"

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