[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Three[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Three[]+[]

[PG-13 warning in this chapter. Seriously. NOT JOKING!]

Without a moment to let Elsa agree, Jack pried her lips open just enough for him to slip his tongue inside. A surprised muffled sound was made from her but he just held her down. His tongue twirled around hers, making her feel a bit heated.

Her free hand gripped his messy hair tightly as the other rubbed his chest. The spirit smirked slightly at her as he pulled away from the kiss and trailed his tongue from her jawline down to her neck. She shivered as he kissed her neck, searching for a weaker spot. When he found it, she let out a pleased moan and he sucked the spot, leaving a dark mark.

Pulling away, Elsa's dainty fingers touched where he had just attacked and she looked into his eyes. "H-Huh?" She asked him but he ignored again, which did not make her too pleased. "Jackson," He stared at her. "Answer this question, what are you planning of doing exactly." A smirk spread across his face.

"You want to know? Here, let me explain, I want to have sex." Silence filled the castle apart from the howling wind outside. "W-What?" Elsa asked with a breathless and dreamy tone. "You heard me. I want to make you mine, and only mine." Now she felt nervous at the thought of him doing such things. Still, it puzzled her why he wanted to in the first place, and so soon.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a cold breeze on her body. Looking down in confusion to why she was so cold, she saw that her dress was melting. Her eyes widened as she looked at Jack, who was staring at her appearing breasts. "Jack!" She shouted.

"Calm down...it was you who did it..." Jack replied with a smirk, while Elsa blushed darkly. "M-Me?" She was quite shocked by the fact that she was now exposed and totally vulnerable to him. "Yeah...you." He said, smirking mischievously as he touched her abdomen.

She shivered at his touch, feeling her heart pound and she whimpered. "Let's have some fun~" The male teased her before slowly pushing one of his fingers in her. Her eyes widened and she let out a yelp of surprise. "S-Stop...!" Although she said this, she wanted him to continue.

He only hummed in response and slid another finger in, making her go crazy. His mind burned as if it had been set on fire as he did this. Then, he curled his fingers and she bit her lip hard, moaning softly. Chuckling, he slowly pulled his fingers out again and licked them, watching her body.

"C-Can...y-you just get...t-to it...?" She asked him in a frail voice and he smiled. "Well, someone seems eager..." Their hearts were cheetahs as they stared at each other. Elsa pulled off his sweatshirt, throwing it over to a corner, then traced her fingers around his chest. While he only had the body of a average teenager, she adored it.

Then, she pulled off the rest of the clothes, glad that he had let her. But then, he pushed himself up with his arms, and she gulped. As she felt his tip on her entrance, she yelped in pain. Her arms wrapped around his body as he slowly slid into her, pulling back a bit before pushing his waist forward again.

It wasn't long before he was thrusting into her quickly, Elsa beginning to feel pleasure, causing both of them to feel like they were losing their sanity. Elsa's nails dug into his back and he felt himself shiver. "I-I...I-I'm going to..." He murmured in a husky voice before liquid filled her. Jack pulled out from her, feeling extremely embarrassed. I-I am so sorry..."

Elsa's eyes widened in shock as she felt his fluids fill her insides and she gasped. When he pulled out and apologized to her, she just shook her head. "Don't worry...I-I k-kind of liked it..." She whispered to him as she rubbed his back.

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