[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Five[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Five[]+[]

After a while of talking, Elsa brought Jack back to the castle and to her room. Memories flooded her mind but he made it all seem so faint that she barely cared at all about the pain of her past. "So...this is your room?" He asked but she hummed. "Our room." A smirk spread to his lips. "Of course...my queen."

He leaned against his staff and looked around the room then at his loved one. She blushed slightly when he smirked and pinched her cheeks. "Jack!" Elsa snapped but he turned away again. Then, he chuckled and flew over to one of her drawers. "What are you doing?" The woman asked curiously as he began to search through them. "I put something in here...a while back..."

A grin set upon his face and he pulled out a petite wooden box that was elaborately crafted and placed gems that looked like sparkling ice. She gasped at it, gently holding it when he placed it in her hands. "This, is for you." Silence. He was beginning to worry she didn't like it. But then, she jumped onto his neck, causing his eyes to widen. His arms wrapped around her waist so she wouldn't fall and he chuckled.

"Take it easy there, my queen! I'm breakable!" She blushed lightly and started to pull back but he put her back. "Oh?" Elsa yelped in surprise as she felt his hands squeeze her bottom. "Jackson! T-This is not appropriate behavior!" He laughed, doing it again. By now, he face was a bright red and she was still trying to get him to stop.

She worried that Anna would come in and spot his actions. Luckily, she didn't. Jack gently placed her down again and twirled her; catching her around the waist with a dip. "I-I didn't know you-" he cut her off when his lips pressed to hers. It was clear he was attempting to be romantic, and he thought he was nailing it.

Meanwhile, in the courtyard, Anna and Kristoff were busy chatting away. No doubt Kristoff kept talking about his ice, not that Anna minded at all. Olaf was also there, sniffing the fresh flowers while Sven stayed nearby. "Oh! Look at the little butterfly!" He exclaimed in awe as he watched the insect flutter up into the sunlight.

Love and new beginnings were in the air. Drifting through the breeze and sweeping people up in a tornado of peace. Nothing could be any better than this. Everything was just the way it was supposed to be. Even Hans was gone from the kingdom and so was the Duke of Weaselton.

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