[]+[]Chapter Six[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Six[]+[]

After all that had happened over the years, unknown feelings were hatching from Jack and Elsa. Although it wasn't enough to actually notice it, it was there. Love. The question is, will they ever find out? Who knows? Icy wind pounded on the windows of the castle, the windows frosting over. Once again, it was an unusually quiet day in the castle.

The locked in princess had been staring out her window into the storm for hours, never resting. The spirit sat in the corner of the room watching her quietly. He was unsure of what he could do to help the girl. Slowly, he eyes started to close. "I can't control it." said a frail whisper that Jack didn't reply to. "I can't control it!" She shouted, causing Jack to startle.

"Elsa, you can.." He said as he stood up, walking closer to her. "Stay away!" exclaimed Elsa as she backed up. "You can't hurt me." Jack said, walking closer still. "I'll hurt you!" As she said that, Jack wrapped his arms around her while she struggled to get away from his grasp.

Gently, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead which calmed her down. "J-Jack...?" She said but he just silenced her. "You can't hurt me. I'm safe, you're safe." He whispered in her ear. His icy breath traveled down her neck causing her to shiver slightly.

Soon, he let go of her and sat back down in the corner. "Can we play chess?" Elsa asked with a faint smile. "Elsa~" Jack whined playfully for he hated the game by now. "It's so boring~!" Rolling her eyes and walking over to him, she pulled him up. Then, she grabbed the chess board and set it down on her bed.

"I bet you that I'll win Frosty!" She challenged. He smirked in response. "You're on Ice Princess!" Giggling, she set the game up and started with her move. "Hm...give me a hint?" Jack said with a playful smile while se just hit his shoulder. "No way!" He laughed and moved his piece to a place where her piece could jump over it.

After a while of playing the game and Elsa winning each round, they grew bored of the game. The eldest princess's nineteenth birthday was coming up and Jack was planning to give her a gift. Such as he did that one year. She still had the gift that Jack had given her, but it had been a while since he got her a gift.

By now, Anna had given up completely on trying to get Elsa to come out of her room. Admittedly, Elsa missed it, but it's absence helped ease her conscious. Although Jack still did his job as a guardian, he spent most of his time with Elsa. He knew that it was almost a time where she would stop believing in him, but he didn't want that.

The two laid on the bed, holding each other in their arms. While they were the coldest people on Earth, they felt quite warm. Which was not something they felt very often. Possibly even not at all. Leaning over, Jack bit her ear gently just to annoy her. Indeed, this had done the trick. She swatted his hand away but he enclosed his hand around her dainty one. Soon, they fell asleep.

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