[]+[]Chapter Thirty-Two[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Thirty-Two[]+[]

It was a while before the baby was born and it was filled with many adventures. All too soon, it was finally the day the baby was to be due. Jack paced nervously outside of the bedroom, muttering words softly under his breath to keep calm. He was scared of what would happen, to be honest.

However, everything turned out completely perfect. "Jack? You can come in now." He heard his queen call softly from behind the door. Jack slowly came inside and a grin appeared on his face as he saw the bright eyed baby girl. The spirit walked over and sat beside her on the bed.

"She's adorable..." He whispered before Elsa carefully handed him the baby. His touch was gentle as he held his new baby daughter. "She has your eyes." Elsa said in a soft voice. "And your hair." He replied in the same voice. Jack's eyes widened slightly when he felt a tiny mouth try to bite his finger, Elsa laughed quietly.

He handed the baby back to Elsa before he asked, "What should the name be?" They thought for a while, throwing names back and forth before deciding on one. "Evelyn is perfect. Evelyn Frost." Elsa said to Jack as she smiled joyfully. It was clear that the two had never been this overjoyed in their entire lives, especially Elsa who had pushed away any happiness that was given to her.

Now that they must take on the baby together, they could be a true family, but they still needed to be wed and get people to know of Jack's existence. But at the moment, it was only Evelyn that truly mattered to them. All they cared about was their love of each other and their new baby girl that they had created.

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