[]+[]Chapter Four[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Four[]+[]

The two wielders of snow and ice were in the middle of playing chess once again when a knock sounded on the door. Of course, this was now very common around wintertime. The youngest princess would come and beg Elsa to build a snowman. Jack loathed each time he heard the knock because it caused young Elsa great discomfort. Nowadays, she just ignored the knock completely until her little sister went away.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bike around the halls? I think some company is overdue. I've started talking to the pictures on the walls! Hang in there, Joan. It gets a little lonely, all these empty rooms, just watching the hours tick by..." Then, a soft sigh issued from Anna before she left her door.

Each day, it seemed that Elsa's power only grew and became worse as she continued to age. Ice crawled up the walls of her room, blade sharp icicles hanging from the ceiling, threatening to fall down and slice someone. Jack, of course, removed the icicles in fear of Elsa being injured.

It was Elsa's thirteenth birthday yet she seemed to sulk throughout the day. "Okay, Elsa, what is wrong? It's your birthday, cheer up!" exclaimed the winter spirit, hoping that she would brighten up. With a soft sigh, she said, "Each year, my powers only get worse. I doubt I'll be able to control it much longer. I mean, just look at my room!" Indeed, it was covered in thick ice.

"I know bu-" She cut him off mid word. "I'm losing control even more as I grow! Y-You should just leave...I might hurt you." But Jack was determined to help her in any way he could. "I'm not leaving and for the last time you can't hurt me!" He shouted, causing her to stumble back, frightened.

Realizing that he had scared her, he took deep breaths to calm himself. In a much calmer, relaxed voice, he said, "You can't hurt me and see? You haven't hurt me yet anyway!" Indeed, this was true. She was worrying over something that may not even happen. Yet, there was no telling of what was to come in the future.

"I guess you're right..." Elsa said, giving in to Jack. "Of course I am! Anyway, what shall we do today for my little princess?" He asked as he spun her around, catching her in his arms as she fell. "Uh...checkers?" She suggested, making the guardian groan. "Anything but that!" said Jack dramatically as Elsa giggled.

Then he remembered something. Elsa's birthday gift. He had carved a small snowflake charm and strung it onto a thin silver chain. Digging into the pocket of his sweatshirt, he pulled out a small white box, covered in little ice blue crystals. Her beautiful blue eyes widened as he pulled it out and pressed it into her gloves.

Elsa hadn't expected to receive anything from Jack so it was quite a shock when he did. "Here you go Elsa, er, I made it myself. Sorry if it is awful.." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling nervously. Opening the box, a gasp escaped her mouth. The chain shimmered as did the carefully carved snowflake. "I-It's amazing!" She exclaimed as she hugged him around the waist.

The spirit laughed merrily at her reaction and bent down so he would be able to hug her back. Soon, they pulled back from their hug with wide grins on their faces. As the years went on, they became closer, Elsa's powers grew stronger, and what tragic event was to come drew near. An event that would change the whole kingdom.

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