[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Four[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Twenty-Four[]+[]

Upon hearing voices, their eyes widened in shock. Quickly, Jack slipped his clothes on while Elsa created a new ice dress. Both of them stood up and turned to the door as men burst in, Hans leading them. "Queen Elsa!" He shouted to her.

Fear came to Elsa's eyes and she held her hands out in front of her while the spirit tried to calm her. However, she just ignored him. Then men attacked her and she attacked back from fear. A bow was aimed towards her but Hans quickly intersected it by pointing it up. But it hit the chandelier, causing it to start to fall.

"Elsa! Run!" Jack shouted as he used his wind powers to slow the falling ice, but he wasn't strong enough and it fell. It crashed down and a scream left the woman's mouth as she fell, losing consciousness. The male screamed her name but it could not be heard in her ringing ears.

Her eyes opened to a dark room and pushed pushed herself up to feel weight on her hands. Looking down, she saw hand cuffs. Hans walked in with a smirk and he told her some things that made her quiver in fear. When he had left, Jack peered in from the window of her prison and waved to her.

Not noticing him, she began to lose her cool and ice spread across her cuffs before it broke off. She looked up and saw Jack, running to the window to try to get to him. "Jack!" She shouted. "I'll get you out! Don't worry!" Snow blurred his face as he broke open the window with his staff, pulling Elsa out so she wouldn't be cut.

A shout was heard and her eyes widened. Before Jack could even speak, Elsa had ran off into the blizzard. "Wait!" He called out but to receive no answer. By now, Hans had caught up to Elsa, coming up behind her as she frantically looked around her. "Elsa! Your sister is dead because of you! You killed her! You're a monster!"

Her heart shattered at his words and her eyes widened in disbelief. "No...no....no!" She shouted before falling to her knees, the blizzard freezing abruptly. A glint of light hit on the tip of the sword as it was raised above Hans head to bring it down on her, his eyes gleaming mantically.

"No!" A yell was heard before the sword was stopped but a solid and cold object. Elsa looked up to feel her mind go fuzzy and she gasped, a horrorstruck look on her face. "Anna!" exclaimed the Queen as she stood up to rub her dear sister's frozen face. "No...Anna...please no..." Jack, Olaf, Sven, and Kristoff all came up to watch the two sisters with saddened expressions.

Elsa draped her arms around her immobile sibling as tears streamed down her face, loud and clear in the bitter silence. She hung there and Olaf gasped as Anna began to unfreeze. As Elsa felt warm skin, she looked up to see Anna. They embraced before Elsa pulled back from her.

"That's it! I've got it!" They gave her a strange look but she was excited. "Love! Love thaws!" Now they all understood and Elsa raised her hands above her head, the snow lifting up from the kingdom, colliding in a massive snowflake in the sky. Everything melted and Arendelle returned to his normal summer glow.

Olaf stared to melt, but Elsa giggled. "Hang in there, buddy." A flurry appeared above him and he said, "Oh! My own personal flurry!" Kristoff saw Hans at the edge of the boat and moved towards him, but Anna stopped him. Instead, she walked over to him. "Hans. The only one around here with a frozen heart is you." She turned away but then turned back and punched him in the face, causing him to fall into the water.

The Queen smiled at her sister and gasped as she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. Cold breath blew on the back of her neck, making her shiver, as Jack whispered, "Forgot me already?" A blush danced across her cheeks and she shook her head. Anna gave her a strange look before walking over. "Uh...Elsa? Why are you blushing?" She asked with a sly smile.

Blushing even more, she said, "I want you to meet someone...but do you believe in Jack Frost?" Jack's eyes rounded and he stared at Elsa. "Well...no...why?" The Princess asked curiously. "I'll explain in a moment but you have to believe he exists first." Sighing, the younger sister closed her eyes and opened her eyes to gasp at the barefooted male standing beside her sister. "Oh! H-He...is really cute! Is he your boyfriend? How long have you known each other? Wait, wait, are you two going to make love~?" She rambled on before Elsa stopped her, both her and Jack's face now a bright red.

"First, we have known each other a while, um, he is my boyfriend, a-and..." Elsa cut herself short as she buried her face in his hoodie. Sighing, Jack finished for her with a sly smirk. "And we already made love." Anna smirked before she squealed. "I'm going to be an aunt, aren't I? Oh my gosh! Oh, oh! When will there be little frost babies running around?" Their cheeks burned brightly and Elsa said, "I-I'm not sure..."

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