[]+[]Chapter Seven[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Seven[]+[]

Her powers seemed to multiply daily, which was not a wonderful thing. Now, not only ice filled every nook and cranny of the room, but icy wind howled inside as if never ending. Of course, Elsa, now almost being twenty, had forgotten of her guardians existence. This, no doubt, broke Jack's frozen heart to see that he was no longer able to talk to the girl he grew up watching.

The girl, more of young woman, was in the middle of reading a dusty maroon book. Fabric corners shredded to pieces by the past owners. As she flipped the pages, the spirit watched from over her shoulder. Sadness and longing to have her believe in him once more filled his eyes, which were now dim and misty.

Finally, as she shut the book, he decided to give up. The girl was twenty and he knew better than to stay and hope she would believe. Because she wouldn't. She wasn't a child anymore, she is now an adult. Elsa stood up then walked straight through Jack. A bitter coldness shot through him, even though he never got cold, it felt like he was freezing to death. Like the day he had died in the frozen lake.

Rigidly breathing, he stood there in the frigid room, unsure if he could move or not. "I hate that feeling," thought Jack. 'It's dreadful." Then, finally able to move once more, he made his way to the frosted window. Looking back at the woman, he sighed. He was really doing it. He was truly leaving after all these years. His best friend.

However, he felt like he had something to do before he left. Something that was bound to drive him insane if he ignored it. Turning back to Elsa, he walked over, his bare feet creating patches of frost on the wooden floor. As he stood in front of her, his eyes brimmed with salty tears, he leaned up to her face. Gently, careful not to touch her very much to avoid the icy feeling, he tried to kiss her.

Just as he had expected, their lips never met. Instead, the icy feeling met him and he moved backwards. It was over. The last thing he needed to do, although it may never be truly fulfilled. His heart seemed to urge him to stay and fight the barrier between him and Elsa, but his brain told him it was for the best to leave.

With one last sigh, he walked to the window and pushed it wide open. Looking down open the village, he jumped. "Wind! Take me to the Pole!" yelled Jack as the wind picked up and carried his light body in the breeze.

Elsa shivered, remembering the strange, icy sensation that had taken ahold of her moments ago. "Strange..." She murmured as she walked over to her bed. No clear memories of Jack Frost stirred in her mind. It was as if she had been brainwashed. She only remembered it as a child's dream.

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