[]+[]Chapter Thirteen[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Thirteen[]+[]

Something was very wrong. Someone had not revealed their true feelings. Elsa. Her heart yearned to be with him, but she knew she couldn't. She believed he would be safe if she stayed away from him. Besides, he was immortal and she was not. What would they do when she ages and he remains the same.

Icy tears started to roll silently down Jack's cold cheeks, and Elsa took notice. She moved to put her gloved hand on his shoulder and tell him the truth, but she couldn't do it. Instead, she turned away and strode back into the ballroom, leaving him behind.

As she returned, her sister Anna ran up to her, along with a man with red sideburns. "Elsa! I mean-Queen. Un, me again. May I present Prince Hans of the Southern Isles." Elsa turned to look at them. "Your majesty." The Prince said with a bow. Together in a childish way they said, "We would like," Hans said, "Your blessing," Then in unison they said, "Of our marriage!"

This caught the elder sister's attention. "Marriage?" asked the Queen, confusion showing in her voice. "Yes!" replied Anna. "I'm sorry, I'm confused." To this Anna responded, "Well, we haven't worked out all the details ourselves. We'll need days to plan the ceremony. Of course we'll have roasted soup and ice cream. Oh! Will we live here?"

"Here?" Elsa asked her sister as her eyebrow rose. "Absolutely." Hans exclaimed. "Oh! We can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with-" Anna said. Elsa cut her off. "What? No, no, just wait. Slow down! No one's brothers are staying here. No one's getting married." The Princess's eyes widened slightly. "Wait, what?"

"May I talk to you please, alone?" asked Elsa. "No. Whatever you have to say, you can say to the both of us." Anna said as she grabbed Hans arms making Elsa sigh. "Fine. You can't marry a man you just met." "You can if it's true love." said Anna. "Anna, what do you know about true love?" Anna responded, "Well, more than you do. All you know is how to shut people out." No doubt this had offended Elsa, for this is what Anna thought.

In an almost shaky voice Elsa said, "You asked for my blessing but my answer is no. Excuse me." Then Prince Hans said, " Your majesty, if I may ease your mind-" "No you may not. I think you should go. The party is over. Close the gates." Elsa said as she started to walk away, people beginning to stare at the sisters.

Anna followed her towards the large doors. "What? Elsa please, please. I can't live like this anymore!" In a voice that was like a whisper Elsa said, "Then leave." Anna gasped at her sister's words. "What did I ever do to you?" "Enough, Anna." "No. Why, why do you shut me out? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?"

Unable to handle it anymore, her one gloved hand leaving the doorknob, Elsa lost control. "Enough!" A semi-circle of sheer ice was formed around her, causing everyone to move back in shock. Her eyes widened Anna said softly, "Elsa..." Then, after staring for a minute, the Queen burst through the doors, into more people who cheered as they saw her.

Nearby, sitting on the roof, Jack watched as Elsa backed up against a fountain and froze the water. People screamed in fear and Elsa began to run again. Of course, Jack followed her as she ran, Hans and Anna running as well. So that Anna wouldn't reach Elsa, Jack made her slip so that Elsa could get away. He watched as she ran across the water, freezing it as she sprinted.

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