[]+[]Chapter Sixteen[]+[]

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[]+[]Chapter Sixteen[]+[]

The young Queen was still quite shocked at how the normally playful spirt was now so serious. "Wh-" "Now." He demanded her, making her frown slightly and step towards him slowly. Her icy trail slivered behind her as she walked. Once she had reached him, she felt herself be pulled close to his cold, yet strangely warm, body.

Jack lifted her chin up so she could look him in the eyes. "Elsa. You are the most amazing, beautiful, intelligent, and brave woman I have ever met. In no way are you a monster, so let it go." After he had said that, Elsa was silent from shock. Who knew that the guardian of fun could be so...caring.

"Y-You think that?" She asked him softly as her voice cracked slightly. Letting out a sigh, he nodded. "I really do." The two smiled at each other before sharing yet another kiss. When they pulled back, they grinned at one another happily.

"I love you, Ice Queen." A faint blush danced across her pale cheeks as he said so. "I love you too, my guardian." Embracing each other, Jack ruffled her loose platinum blonde hair, making her pout.

The winter spirit chuckled at her mischievously before creating a snowball in his hand and stuffing it into her face. "Jack!" She exclaimed in a gasp as she made her own snowball, almost hitting Jack, but he swerved out of the way.

"You have to catch me first!" Jack shouted as he used his power over wind to shoot up in her castle. "That's cheating!" The Queen groaned with a slight smirk as she ran to go find the mischievously spirit, well known as Jack Frost.

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