Chapter 3: Head Thoughts

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Narrator's POV -

Bill skips to the next day once again and pops back into Gravity Falls through 1 of his portals.

Upon entering Gravity Falls he looks around at the scenery, something he's never really done before.

"It is a nice view though." He said aloud.

"Ok well back to it."

He flies around the small weird town of Gravity Falls taking in the same boring old town, until his heart starts beating quickly again. He transformed into his human form thinking it Gould be fine.

I mean if you think about it, just imagine you see someone flying in the that would be a little weird but not as weird as this town so, whatever.


"Also I've done this before and I was able to fly so, I should be fine!" He thought confidently.

He fell out of the sky.

Bill's POV -

"Aw sh-" I thought as I plummeted head first to the ground rather quickly.

I managed to catch myself only a few inches from the ground.

"Phew....close call dumbass." I say to myself aloud whilst hovering with my arms spread wide like if I was a bird taking flight.

"Well as least I'm-" I was cut off by hitting the ground face first.

"Ow~....." I groaned into the ground pulling myself up.

I sat up and brushed the dirt and leaves off my face and out my hair.

"Huh?" I thought as I touched my upper lip.

'Blood?....My nose.' I mentally smack myself.

I fix up my nose and face with my powers before attempting to stand up.

'The hell was that for??' I thought as I dusted the rest dirt and leaves off of my clothes. I stood up straight and cracked my back.

'Today is not my day is it?!' I thought as I picked up my small black cane from the ground.

"Hmm, what to do? What to....Ah! I've got it." I said as I headed over in the direction of the Mystery Shack limping a little.

'I mean, it was a little early so Shooting St- Mabel wouldn't be up yet. I could go see her early I guess.' I thought smiling a little.

On my way to the dum- I mean, Shack. I felt my left leg starting to hurt.

"Stupid body..." I complained feeling kinda sore from the fall. It wasn't that far up, but still it hurt enough to injure me.

I now found myself in the parking lot of the boring old Shank.

Upon walking into the gravel I noticed Ford. He was sitting in a rocking chair, with a shotgun on the porch. I looked over at the Mystery Shack sign.

There was a sign covering the 'open' sign at the entrance.

'This doesn't look to good.' I thought glancing back in his direction.

'Weird.' I thought taking a small step.

Ford quickly got up, pumped the gun and aimed it at me with a stern look on his face.

I was about to say something but I stopped when I heard Mabel, she rushed out of the house screaming for him to stop or something. I couldn't really hear her that well.

"Stop! Gruncle Stanford! Please listen to me-" Dipper held her back. "Let go you-" She started aggressively.

"This is the only option Mabel!" PineTree yelled like I've never heard before. He sounded very angry.

"Geez PineTree. Lighten up would ya!" I said louder so he could hear me.

He just glared at me then looked back at Mabel.

Now that I look at it. Upon closer inspection I noticed that she looked quite disheveled, like she hadn't sleep all night or something. "Shooting Star...." I mumbled under my breath looking at her with a clear emotion of worry on my face.

"Bill! Get the hell away from my family and never come back to Gravity Falls!" Stanford shouted still having the gun pointed at me.

He looked like he was about to fire at any second.

"How do you know it's me Ford?" I chimed in, in a teasing like voice just to piss him off.

"Mabel told us all about how you can transform into different things." Stanford yelled back in response.

'She would've told anyone deliberately...did they do something to her?' My eyes go wide at the possibility that they would've hurt one of their own.

"Now this is the last time you'll ever hurt anyone ever again!" He shouted and a loud sound emanated throughout the immediate area. I then a wet tingly sensation on my chest.

'This can't be good...'

The next thing I know was a stinging type feeling in my chest. Mabel screamed out but I couldn't hear what she said or if she said anything at all.

My chest felt wet and my head felt dizzy. My ears started ringing and my legs felt weak. I just couldn't hold myself up anymore.

With 1 step I dropped to the ground with a thud not fully falling unconscious.

I could hear Ford, he walked over to me and bent down. "Gottcha." He said before hitting me with the butt end of the gun.

Before we continue, I knew it was Ford from the sound of his steps. His steps are much heavier then the kids, plus the other brother was nowhere in sight.

Anyway, going back to the story.

Narrator's POV -

Stanford shot Bill in the chest, him and Dipper bring Bill inside. They brought him downstairs into Fords lab.

There was a small couch down there so they laid him on the couch and then strapped him down.

"Ready Dipper?" Stanford asks.

Dipper nods and grabs these headset looking things. He then hands one to Stanford.

They each put on these things on their heads, they both had been sitting down so they wouldn't hit the ground and give themselves concussions.

What are these things? I'll tell you.

These headset looking things are designed to look like a normal headsets but in reality They're used to see into whoever's memories.

Words: 1011

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