Chapter 8: How Did This Happen?

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Mabel's POV -

'Bill has a fever and I have to help him. I noticed earlier that he wasn't looking too good, so I bought him some medicine. Actually, I'm not even sure if modern medicine will help a demon.' I think placing a finger on my lips.

"In the bath you get. You have a pretty high fever." I said, he looked at me dumbfounded for some odd reason.

"Alright Shooting Star, sigh you win." He said getting up but as he tried standing he collapsed to the floor.

"Bill! You ok?" I helped him up and to the bathroom.

"Shout if you need anything." With those words I left him in the bathroom.

'Ok now- oh wait.'

"Bill." I say gently knocking on the door. "Can I take you clothes? I need to wash them."

"Give me a sec." was the response I got.

"Ok, come in." He said.

I opened the door to find the shower curtain I just bought closed. 'Smart.' I grabbed his clothes and put on my hand in the door knob.

"Ok, thanks." I closed the door again and walked over to my room.

'Since we don't have a washer or dryer cause those things are expensive. I'm going to head into town to do laundry.....such a hassle.' I sigh heavily.

"Bill, I'm going to head out for a couple for hours. Don't stay in there too long." I shout from the living room so he could hear me.

"Alright." I hear faintly.

I take the small laundry bag and head out making sure to lock the door behind me.

Bill's POV -

As I walked into the bathroom it was pretty warm.


I start stripping, just as I've gotten the last piece of clothing off I hear Shooting Star's voice call out my name.

"Bill....Can I take your clothes? I need to wash them." I panic...a little. I could feel my face heat up more and more with each passing second. It was not just due to the warm atmosphere.

"Give me a sec." I say quickly.

I quickly but carefully get into the bath and pull back the shower curtain. I hadn't locked the door just yet so there was no need to get up and open it.

"Ok, come in." I say with my knees tucked close to me and a deep blush on my face.

I heard her come in and grab my clothes. "Ok thanks." With that she left closing the door.

At this point I could feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. It was so loud.

I untuck my knees and sink into the water feeling embarrassed. I cover my face whilst I stretched out.

"Bill, I'm going out for a couple of hours. Don't stay in there too long!" She shouted through the thick wooden door. My heart dropped as I heard her voice.

"Alright." I call out as I hear the front door open and close, then lock.

'She scared me there....' I thought.

It had been close to 10, 15 minutes since she left. I had just finished up and decided that it would be best for me to get out before I end up passing out.

Getting out of the bath I grab a towel to dry myself off with. Wrapping it around my waist I open the bathroom door and peek out.

'Coast is clear.' I think as I head over to my room.

Upon entering my room I instantly close the door. "Phew."

"Hah, oh right." I remembered that Shooting Star had bought clothes for I drop the towel on the ground and rummage through my newly clothes.

I get changed into some sweets and a short sleeve t-shirt. 'I have to thank her somehow....but how? What can I even do in the form anyway?' Questions pop into my head faster then I can process.

I had picked up the towel and heard to the bathroom to hang it up to dry when I got an idea.

"Yeah, that'll work." I say as I clap my hands together.

-47 minutes later-

"Hey I'm back! Sorry it took so long I- woah..." She said but trailed off.

"Did you do this yourself?" She asked placing the bag she had in her arms on the couch.

"Uhuh." I respond. "I wanted to thank you for all you've done for me up until this point." I say with a smile.

"I didn't know you knew how to cook." She giggles as I take her hand and guide her to her seat.

"You like?" I ask sitting across from her.

"Yes! I do like a lot!" She said excitedly.

I smiled.

In the time she was gone I made dinner for the two of us, I knew that this wouldn't be enough for what's she's done for me but it's a start.

"This is amazing! Oop- sorry." She apologized for talking with a mouth full of food, I chuckle. "You're a funny one Shooting Star."

After dinner I clean the dishes as she unloads the laundry.

"I put your laundry on your bed for you." She said popping her head back into her room.

"Thank you. You know you don't have to do this for me right?" I say rinsing off the silverware.

I hear footsteps behind me.

"I know that but I want to. You know you helped me too." She said taking a tea towel and drying off the dishes.

"How did I help you? Name 1 thing that I've done then." I answer with a smirk.

Her hand holding the towel goes to her hip and she smirks back.

"You helped me to not be so lonely, you didn't know it then so I'll tell you know. I was in a bit of a dark place after the whole warmeggeden thing. I couldn't find a way to dig myself out, I just kept going deeper and deeper into it. Eventually I hit rock bottom. There was no where for me to go....that was until I started talking with you.

You helped me dig myself out of the deep hole I dig for myself, so for that I thank you. There's nothing I can do to repay you for what you've done for me." She said looking down and smiling.

"What did I do?" I rinse the last one and turn to look at her.

"You talked to me and kept me company when no one else couldn't."

I was stunned, shocked even. I honestly didn't know what to say but: "Glad I could help you Shooting Star." I say with a smile, slightly blushing.

"Heh. You're funny Bill."

Words: 1133

Ah I'm at my maximum fluff writing limit for now, more to come soon. -///-

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