Chater 7: Shopping!

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Narrator's POV -

When Mabel woke up early in the morning she thought of Bill and how he doesn't really have anything to wear.

'You know what! I'm going to take him shopping.' She thought very excitedly kicking her leg under the covers.

Mabel's POV -

It was now almost 9 and I decided to get up to have a shower.

After my shower I get dressed and blow dry by hair, just as I turn the hairdryer off I hear a sneeze.

I pop my head out of the bathroom and look around. 'Ok Mabel that was either Waddles or Bill. I'll go check on Bill first.'

I shut off the light and head toward his room.

Knock knock

I hear a low groan then footsteps. The door opens and a very tired looking Bill opens the door.

"Morning Shoo- achoo. Sorry." He apologizes.

"It's alright.....are you feeling ok?" I ask with my hands behind my back.

He nods but he really doesn't look too well.

"Well if you're sure. Oh hey! I was thinking we could go shopping today." I say with a smile on my face.

"Where?" He asks walking into the living room to blow his nose.

"Downtown, plus there's a bit of a larger town a little ways out of town where we could get some stuff."

"How would we get there? Plus we don't have any money yet." He says throwing the tissue away.

"Oh right I guess I forgot to mention. I have around $500 saved up, I brought it with me from home." I kinda paused on the last word.

He gave me a look of confusion.

"From home? You mean the shack?" He asks resting up against the back of the couch. I walk over.

"Well no and yes, I brought it from where I used to live. Um with my parents." Then it dawned on me, what would my parents think of this situation. I put my head down.

"What's wrong Shooting Star?" He asked sincerely.

"My parents.....the whole reason for them sending us out here was to, get rid of us. One late night I was up getting a glass of water when I heard them arguing, they talked about how they didn't want us around anymore and how much of a burden we were to them. Sigh Well enough about that, let's-.....hmmm come with for a sec."

He titled his head slightly as I took him to the bathroom.

"I'm going to brush your hair out a little, so we'll you don't look like you're homeless." He chuckled at the statement.

After brushing his hair we lock up and walk down to the bus station to wait for the bus.

Bill's POV -

It wasn't the nicest day out so we stayed under the little shelter. It was a little cooler then I expected so I held my stature close.

"Hey Bill."

"Yes?" I turned my head to face her.

"You cold?" She giggled.

"It's not bad, just wasn't expecting this is all." I fake smile. I'm just not really in the mood to do anything right now. It feels like my body is giving out on me.

"Here. Just take it and no complaining." She said handing me a hoodie.

'Where did she get this?' I thought as I put it on.

'Warm.' It felt much nicer then before, I smile for real this time.

"Thanks Shooting Star." She blushed a bit and quickly looks away from me.

Just then the bus shows up, we get on and head out of town to the first stop.

Getting off the bus we stopped at a hardware store.

Inside she brought some tools and a tiny plant.

"Ok next store!" She said with much energy.

I snickered and followed her. We walked over to a mall and entered it.

At the first store in the mall she bought some silverware, a few dishes, soap and other essentials.

After leaving the store she stops to turn to me.

"Bill, since you don't have any clothes besides this. I was thinking we could get you some." She said with a big smile.

"Sure, but where would-"

"This way!" She took my hand and we darted off in the clothing store section.

"Maybe we can slow down?" I suggested she did.

"Oops sorry, guess I got a little carried away."

At the first clothing store we entered she made me try on a few outfits, they fit quite nicely and frankly suited me.

"Perfect. Ok we just have to stop at two more stores then we can head home." I sighed and followed with three quarters of the bags.

This store was also a clothing store. She again, made me try on more clothes.

"Alright done clothing shopping. Oh Bill, could you wait just right here? I just have to pop into the pharmacy." She said I nodded.

"Ok thanks! I shouldn't be too long." With that she entered the store.

-18 minutes later-

"Hey sorry it took so long, there was a long line."

"Understandable." I say as we walk out of the mall and to the bus stop.

"Thanks for coming with me, I had a lot of fun." She said staring off at the ground, I turn to look at her.

"No problem, it wasn't much trouble."

"Oh right the bags. Aren't those heavy?" She asked as I sat down.

"Only a little, I can manage." Then the bus showed up, we got on and headed back home.

-At home-

"Phew, long day." She said stretching and talk half of the bags inside with me.

I closed the door with my foot and placed the bags on the kitchen counter.

To be frank I forgot that I bought anything so I just headed to my room and collapsed on the bed still wearing the hoodie she gave me this morning.

I closed my eyes, but before I could drift off I heard footsteps come into my room.

"You forgot these." Shooting Star said placing the two bags of clothes on my bed. I opened my eyes weakly.

"You don't look too good. Are you feeling ok?-" She put a hand on my forehead but instantly retracted and ran out of the room.

I sat up a little to see what startled her.

"Shooting Star?" I said weakly.

I then hear the bath going. She soon came back minutes later.

"You have a fever."

Words: 1090

What do you think is happening to Bill? Why is he getting so sick?

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