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The distance between them kept disappearing leaving no space for air to pass by, their bodies against each other. Never once they dared taking their eyes off each other. Not when it was going to make them look weak in front of the other.

"Are you sure babygirl, you want to do this." His eyes darkened ,turning pitch black due to the hatred and madness he had for the lady pinned between him and the wall. He licked his lips rolling strands of her hair around his finger. With each second passing by lust took over them drowning them in it's madness.

YN:" You don't need to be told twice." Her eyes held no emotion within them as she stated without any hesitance. Once again just like any other day they had each other against their bodies. Heart feeling nothing yet the pleasure was enough to bring them satisfaction along with another wave of hatred towards each other.

He balled his fists out anger, if that's what she wanted than that it was. Cancelling all the links with him and now cancelling their partnership in the business. It was going to take some time but once the papers were signed there was no going back.

With a harsh jerk he leaned forward smashing his lips against her. She wrapped her arms around his neck returning the favor. The roughness, eagerness, lust , pleasure that was all to cloud their brains. He didn't give one damn of his harsh touch hurting her nor it affected her one bit. It felt good to sin. No one's a fucking saint here. With harsh moves their clothes were off each other and their bodies molded against each other filling the room with moans and groans.

Two Years Ago!!
She rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest like a 5 year old. Jungkook sighed at her childish behavior pinching the bridge of his nose.

JK :" YN, Baby you are not a kid huh? We are in a damn university and I am still hiding your complaints from your parents."

YN:" I am telling you it was not my fault. I didn't do anything " She stomped her foot on the ground glaring at him ." I just spilled ketchup from second floor over my friend now I wasn't supposed to know the professor would come out of nowhere. He looked funny though." She laughed in a cute way at the end earning another sigh from him.

JK :" You need to apologize to professor or the Dean will call your father. "

YN:" No! I won't . C'mon Gguk you handled it always do it now too."

JK :" But Bab-"

YN:" I won't apologize. No no no no It was not my fault." She stomped away from there and he face palmed himself. Now that was taking wrong advantage of his love but who was he blaming. He was the one to spoil her. Never he minded it. Never he was rude towards her. He loved that girl too much to do that.


She came rushing to him happily and Jumped on him wrapping her legs around his torso. Her hands cupping his cheeks and placed a peck on his lips. He was quick to hold her .

YN:" OH god! Thank you baby I knew you will handle it. Heh I am not getting spelled anymore." He chuckled at her cuteness and pecked her lips putting her down.

JK:" That was the last time huh." Never mind. He says that always. She nodded shrugging it off very next moment knowing there was no last time as long as they were together they had each other's back.

YN:" I have a surprise for you." She exclaimed happily grabbing his wrist and started dragging him away from there. He quietly followed her with a handsome smile on his lips. There was no limit to how much he adored this girl. The two reached the parking area of the university and she stopped in front of a bike - a black and blue colored heavy bike to be instead. Taking out keys from her pockets she shook them in front of him turning towards him.

YN :" You like heavy bikes don't you. That's for you. Happy 23 years of your life Gguk." He wrapped his arms around her waist back hugging her. His neck snuggling in her neck planting love filled kisses.

JK :" Baby, you know this is too much you didn't have to do this. "

YN:" No I always wanted to do this. Please keep it. I saved a lot for this." She scratched the back of her neck turning towards him and cupped his cheeks.

YN :" 23 is nothing I want us to live hundreds and thousands of years together and celebrate each other's birthday like this as if we are young even when we turn grey." He leaned forward placing his lips on her forehead to which she closed her eyes at the blissful moment. The heavenly feel when his lips met her and they shared the love filled kiss they had for each other.

Jungkook was from a quite well-settled family. His parents were successful business men. He could easily buy himself bikes and cars. YN was from a quite settled family too yet they still never reached the level of Jeon's reputation and success. As always there's a few successful companies in a country but their level and ranks differ and so theirs did too. Jeon's were superior definitely.

The two pulled back and took a seat on the bike. YN Sat behind Gguk. Jungkook was pretty comfortable in riding a heavy bike so without any trouble he started the bike driving out of the university. Once they reached the empty roads he picked up a pace earning a cheerful laugh from her when the air hit them. The rush of the wind and thrill running down their spines. YN Slid her arms around his waist a bit tighter moving up to kiss his cheeks before throwing her head back letting out another laugh. He laughed enjoying as well with his favorite person right beside him. He was too lucky to have her. The one who held his hands and never let it go. The one he knew would do anything for him and he would always return the favor.

Current time
He stood in front of the bike which was gifted to him by YN. His eyes held nothing except for hatred and madness.

YN :" You like heavy bikes don't you. That's for you. Happy 23 years of your life Gguk."

His grip tightened around the lighter he held so tightly. He was done spilling gasoline over the bike .

YN :" 23 is nothing I want us to live hundreds and thousands of years together and celebrate each other's birthday like this as if we are young even when we turn grey."

The spark it raised within him was enough to move his hand and throw the lighter over the damp bike. The fire took no time to lit up and the bike started burning to ashes. The flames matched the fire burning within his heart. Pain was something he started getting unfamiliar too. All upcoming events only introduced him to a more and more darker side of one's brain. Numbness was all he wanted to reach and that would definitely not take much at this point where he standing.



Thank you for reading. Take care of yourselves ♡

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