Chapter 2

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Heels clicking against the floor could be heard through out empty hallway. The people inside the room stiffened in their seats once the door to the meeting room opened revealing the lady who just walked in. Their CEO - Jung YN. A cold hearted lady who wouldn't think twice before cancelling their whole career after one wrong move. All of them stood up in respect to the lady except for one guy who was sitting in the center opposite to main seat where YN took a seat.

He had his pitch black eyes staring in to her soul while leaning back against his seat comfortably waiting for the drama to start and please him. The day where they were going to cancel every deal they had with each other's company. The partnership they started with so much love ready to work forever till the very end. A meeting with the board directors of each company including the CEOs - Jung YN and Jeon Jungkook.

YN:" Proceed."


YN:" Gguk please, I will make it up to you mm now please." She tried to move the stubborn guy away from her who kept snuggling in to her hugging her while the two laid comfortably in her bed all cuddled up against each other.

JK:" I told you already to tell your father. C'mon till how long we will hide it. Let him come back he will find it out himself." He closed his eyes not liking his peace getting ruined. He didn't want her to fear anyone as long as he was with her.

YN:" No, he will be mad finding it like this. I will tell him myself now please?" She pouted and he looked up at her not wanting to accept the fact he melted right there.

JK:" No, I want to stay." He grinned proudly and hugged her even tightly earning a sigh from her. Her hand ran through his hair, as much as she loved his company she didn't want her father to come back home and find it himself like this.

YN:" If you leave right now I will stay at your home tomorrow night." He instantly pulled back with a raised brow getting a promise for her. Oh, he was happy. A little sacrifice it was to get to spend more time with her more? Oh he was in.

He stood up grabbing his shirt tossing it over himself putting on his shoes. She got off the bed too already missing his warmth. He laughed looking at her adorable sad pout.

JK:" Changing plans are we." He was all ready to take his shirt off again when she groaned almost kicking him out of her room

YN:" OH god no! Leave he will come back!" He laughed and turned towqrds her stealing two or three more kisses before finally rushing out of there. She squealed cupping her own cheeks thinking about how much he loves her. His each move make her feel butterflies in her stomach. She fixed her room and herself before walking downstairs waiting for her father to come back and she didn't have to wait much. She sighed internally thanking the gods that Jungkook left before his arrival. Now the hardest task was at her hand. Telling her father about him.

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