Chapter 1

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The two laid on the bed beside each other, bodies painted with each other's hunger marks. He had his hand behind his head, eyes staring at the ceiling as if it was the one who sinned. She was sleeping on the other side of the bed having done the most sinful yet the most common thing they could have ever done. There was no regret, no emotion hidden behind their moves.

A loud sound coming out of her cellphone took their attention - a sound piercing to their ears in the middle of a peaceful afternoon. She woke up taking the call going straight to restroom without sparing the guy a single glance. Having no shame of being naked in front of him- nothing he didn't see before. She came out already in her office clothes - a black velvet dress reaching till her mid thighs, black pencil heels and pearl earrings hanging so beautifully down her earlobes. She looked so elegant so beautiful yet so cold so emotionless.

His eyes moved from the ceiling towards her who was standing in front of the mirror getting ready, wearing her makeup and tying her hair in a pony tail. A beautiful romantic sight yet it held nothing for them. The next moment he saw her already walking out of the room.

Reaching down stairs she helped herself taking out a liquor bottle from the glass cabinet pouring herself the drink adding ice cubes in it watching it slowly dissolving in the glass waiting for a certain person to reach there. Once the doorbell rang she pressed the button to unlock the door. Her father walked in, the first sight he had was her daughter drinking filled in hickeys - no effect.

YN :" Hey dad, you wanted to talk." There was nothing to complain anymore, no formalities no greetings. She was not his same lively daughter anymore he knew years ago. He was about to speak when he saw Jungkook coming out of a room all dressed up in his office suit.

MR Jung :" What is he doing here?" He clenched his jaw looking at Jungkook who darkened his eyes looking at the only person he hated the most in this world. He could have burnt the whole world by the anger that raises within him seeing this certain person.

He smirked tilting his head taking slow confident steps towards her father.

JK :" Ain't it so clear what is happening when you find a guy walking out of your daughter's bedroom." Mr Jung clenched his fists grabbing him by his collar.

Mr Jung:" How many times I told you to stay away from my daughter. Anyone ....anyone is allowed near her but you" Jungkook took his wrist yanking it off his collar looking deadly into his eyes.

JK :" Bold of you to assume I need your fucking permission for that." Jerking his arm away he left the place closing the door behind with a loud thud. Anger washing all over him raising the storm once again making it unbearable for him to control himself anymore.

YN was quiet all this time, not like she even tried listening to their so called conversation. She had her head thrown back on the couch, eyes closed as she enjoyed each and every drop of liquor flowing down her throat.

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