Chapter 4

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The frequent, nervous steps never stopped for once marching left to right all over the huge lounge as if determined to shed some 20 kgs before the dawn. A bag of chips in hands carelessly munching on the snacks cause fear comes second. Nothing beats the hunger and one's love for food.

Please dear lord, in the name of Kim Namjoon let dad agree on this. I really love Jungkook oh god what will I do without him I can't even have a Namjoon! Oh no I don't want to die before attending his concert.

A fear - filled whine escaped her lips slamming another fist full of chips in her mouth to calm herself yet it only raised her anxiety more.

She flinched, the bag of snack slipping past her hands as the chips rolled all over the floor. Turning around at the speed of Light . It was a nerve - wrecking sight that she dearly wished to be some sort of a nightmare. Her father had returned but it wouldn't be this scary if he was not looking so worn out. His coat was off, his white shirt had blood on it all over his shoulder. His hair were sprawled all over his head. This had to raise the worst anxiety one could ever feel raising millions of questions but most importantly.... Was Jungkook alright?

YN :" Dad! Oh god what happened! Are you okay?" She ran over to him past the innocent - forgotten snacks on the floor. Her hands frantically slid past his arms and shoulders checking for any sort of Injury yet it was only the blood. If she was in senses or would take a moment to think properly she would know it wasn't his blood.

MR Jung :"That is the person you wanted me to meet!!" His loud - rage filled voice had her freeze on her spot barely managing to let out a weak whisper.

"Jungkook..... Where's he?"

The hatred scoff that reached her ears made her slightly step back. She gulped audibly trying to wrench her dry throat some moisture. Never been on the receiving end of so much anger, so much hatred (even if it was not for her), this side of her father.

MR Jung :" look at me YN. I am your father no one can care about you as much a father can. I brought Steven with me. I wanted the best one for you." She took another hesitant step backward afraid of where it might end up. Jungkook gets jealous but it never had to be this severe to reach a point where her father is returning back home filled in blood.... Of god knows who.

MR Jung :" He DOESN'T love you! He is just possessed with you. Highly possessive. Steven's existence bothered him to an extent he threw a fit and threw himself on him and when I stepped in he tried to kill me and for what? So I will be out of your two way!"

A step back and then another followed by shaking of head in disbelief. She wasn't buying this shit. Her boyfriend was --

YN :" Lie.... You are LYING!! "

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