Chapter 5

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She was seated on the couch of her room, all the lights were dimmed down. The only source of light was the LED screen infront of her flashing its glow directly into her eyes reflecting the darkness those orbs hold within them.

There were no snacks beside her - a strong habit that took no time to dissappear. No casual dressing she loved before relaxing herself in front of a TV screen. She seemed to be still in her office dressing. Posture as straight as ever, legs crossed over each other as the eyes took in the stupid smiley faces on the screen.

You look like a fool YN.

That's all she could think about at the moment. A day so special exactly three years from here. Her 20th birthday. She heard herself in the screen laughing her ass off while her ex boyfriend was filming her. Both making fun of each other at stupid things.

Flash back

"OPPA!!" She screamed, as soon as the other picked up his cellphone making him pull away the mobile for a moment to save his precious ears.

"Lady, just because you are my brother's girlfriend doesn't mean you have a right to assault my ears. I would gladly file a law suit against you."

She only huffed in response and if it was an animated movie, the smoke would be visibly coming out of her ears. Sensing her anger the other cleared his throat getting back to the trouble at hand. Because hell with ears he was doubting his life at this point.

" What happened to my sweet little sister. Who dared disturb my cupcake I will break his l--"

YN:" where is Jungkook! Huh I can't believe this guy. Its my birthday okay? My 20th biRtHdAy. Your brother is not romantic at all. No gifts, no surprises, no romantic dinner date at the most expensive restaurants roof tops! Nothing ahhhh!"

" Ah girl that.." He cleared his throat nervously scratching back of his head." why am I becoming a part of it. I wished you right heh. Oh gift right I will give you a lots of gifts too. "

If she was not angry at the moment she would be laughing and cooing at the innocent victim of someone else's carelessness. He was too cute for this world.

YN :" I have decided that's it. I want another boyfriend. A cutie like you. " She giggled and heard him happily laughing back at her satisfied at the comment but his laughs suddenly stopped.

"Yah wtf no. I mean yess I am cute but don't you dare look at me. I don't want to die at such a young age specially by my own brother's hands."

She laughed throwing her head back. She swore this guy had the ability to make you laugh regardless of any situation.

YN :" I was kidding huh? I guess you don't know where kook is. I will see you laters than. "The two hung up and she huffed again remembering her boyfriend was still not here. She stood up to leave but right there her eyes fell on the dozens of shopping bags that were placed on the table behind her.

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