Chapter 12

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Prosecutor :"Mr Jung, as we all are aware of your mental health. According to you, there is still no progress. You don't remember anything happened that day before the incident am I right?"

After confirming the question from the respected Jung who stood in the witness box, he proceeded with his statement making sure the Judge and everyone present in the courtroom were focused.

"We found out that Mr. Steven George was with you that whole day and it was confirmed once we checked the CCTV Footage of your office three years back"He picked up a USB from his table and walked forward handing it over to the assistant who played it on the LED present in the courtroom.

"but the thing to be noted my lord is that, Mr Jung here have no memory of that day as confirmed by him right now. However, According to the statement here I have from his daughter, miss Jung YN. It says, Mr Jung accepted it himself that Mr Steven was with him that whole day. Quite suspectful."

That was the time it hit him when YN told him she saw Steven cheating on him only to get the information out of him. As the case proceeded one by one all of the suspects revealed. Even those which they never thought would be involved in this and were given proper punishments acoording to the law.

Dr. Gale - who changed the postmortem report under threat, pressure and slight greed which resulted the whole case to be flipped upside down, giving it a shape of self defense.

Steven - A mere obssesed psycho who saw YN and found this attraction towards her who made him forget all the rights and wrongs. Never like these people were doing any good in this world either. It was planned to have Jungkook killed that day however call it luck or misfortune the drinks were exchanged resulting in the death of the older brother.

Jung - for whom the greed became bigger than his own daughter. A person who doesn't deserve a title of a father. Several billions and a private island gifted by Steven. Some "several promises" as pretty excuses like a cherry on top to provide his daughter a lovely and luxurious life.

Dr. Saim - Jung's personal doctor. Who, after mere greed faked Jung's illness. He was not suffering from any memory loss. It was under the doctor's whole constant and a few dollars in his pocket.

As soon as the handcuffed criminals were brought out of the court room, a rage filled guy pounced upon one of them ignoring rest of the three. But whom he was kidding - he was standing in a court surrounding by armed police officers and people who provide "justice"

Before he could land a third punch he was torn away from Steven George who was on the floor by this point only after two punches. Blame his cuffed wrists.

Officer :" We warn you Mr. Jeon. Please step back or else we will be forced to take action against you." His rage filled eyes moved from Steven to the officer and a quick disgusting tour of his vision over all the men present there.

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