Chapter 7

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She stood a few metres away from the bed her father was on with the doctor standing beside him asking a few questions. It was strange or maybe it seemed like that just to her taking in her father's mental condition, he didn't remember anything that happened. Nothing.

No information for the past few days and who knows whatelse he didn't remember but for now he definetly remembered how he ended up in hospital. The rage dripping face of the guy who Brough him to this point. He was never going to forget that face.

Doctor :" You seem to be fine now. You may rest for now." The doctor assured turning towards YN afterwards. "I shall see you in my office."

He took his leave and YN went towards her father taking his hand in hers leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I will be back soon okay?"

And like that the two ended up in the office. Her continuous nervous bounce of her leg was the biggest sign of the fear that was rushing through her veins. She was never in this kind of situation before. Being called like this in doctor's office was surely raising her anxiety.

YN :" Is everything alright doctor?"

Doctor :" Miss YN, do you understand its a police case. I am your family doctor and know your father for a long time so I waited till he wakes up but taking in his condition he doesn't remember the events."

YN :" I...... Are you.... Going to call police... No.. No -- "

Doctor :" I understand this must be hard for you. But this is our hospital policies. We can't --"

YN :" No, please I assure you. This is not what you are thinking it is. Its just a huge misunderstanding. It will clear out. Involving police will raise a lot of troubles for our family." The doctor sighed and nodded afterwards. She knew where this was going involving Jungkook in. She didn't want the boy to be arrested and suddenly remembering of it drained the color on her making her abruptly get off her seat.

YN :" Please arrange a nurse to look after dad. I have somewhere to be." and with that she dashed off. It had been two hours since Jungkook called her. She forgot.She.... Forgot?


She barged in his penthouse calling out his name so loud, it surely reached each corner of his home. There was hurry in her steps and fear laced on her tongue. A shiver in her walk and sweat drop on her temple.

However, the haste in her movements disappeared making her halt on her track when the sight revealed itself in front of her. The alcohol smell took over her senses making her scrunch her nose in disgust. A guy on the floor against leaning against the table. His one leg straighten in front of him. Other bent up to his chest and his head hung low.

He was cladded in a black evening suit. By the looks of him, it would be an understandment to possibly call him dead by now. He wasn't moving at all.

"Gguk" It was a mere broken whisper making her take slow- hesitant steps towards the direction of the guy. Her knees wobbled as she gave up on them and fell in front of the guy taking his cheeks in her hands.

"Jungkook.... What.." He looked up to meet her eyes, slowly the light returning to his dark vision as he made out a blurry image of the girl in front of him. His eyes were red, deep red reflecting he didn't sleep for perhaps two nights by now. Her heart ached at the sight.

" You aren't wearing black." It was a mere whisper by the amount of energy left in the boy.

"Black? Jungkook what happened please tell me."

"you aren't wearing.... Wearing B-black" He blinked his eyes trying to stay in his senses as his head swung a bit to its sides due to the alcohol kicking in by now. He held her shoulders and with each second passing by his grip kept tightening on her making her wince in pain.

JK:"Jung.....he died... He died right. Tell me. Tell me he died."

YN :" What are you saying Jungkook! He is my dad!"

JK :" DAD MY FOOT! TELL ME HE DIED! DEAD I WANT HIM DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD!" The boy suddenly roared out making her flinch and stood up taking support of the table behind him. He was barely keeping himself on his feet but the fire burning within him to see a certain someone dead took over every last cell within him.

YN :" JUNGKOOK! Please tell me whatever he said was wrong!!" The other suddenly started laughing, god knows what was so funny to him however to YN it was starting to get creepy. She took a step back in fear realizing how the man have really lost all of his senses.

He stumbled and fell down making her reach forward forgetting the fear and help her lover.

"What are you doing here!" A loud anger filled yell resonated the place making her wrench her head towards the direction to find his mom marching towards her. Before she could process a slap was landed on her cheek followed by another and then another till someone pulled the angry women back - that someone was his father.

"Soyeon enough!" He pulled his wife in to his embrace who kept trying to free herself while yelling and crying by now.

Mrs Jeon :"What is she doing here! Ask her to get out!! I can't bear her sight! GET OUT YOU FUCKING MURDERER WHAT DID MY SONS EVER DO TO YOU!"

MR Jeon :"stop it Soyeo--"


MR Jeon :" ENOUGH SOYEON, look at him! Look at your son. He is not in the condition to take this all! He needs her. I lost a son I don't wish to loose another." He interfered and dragged his wife out of there trying to calm the lady understanding her pain was so big.

YN :" l-lost..... Jungkook. "She turned around and started shaking Jungkook, her hands started shaking so badly that she thought they might give up on her any second.

YN :" W-what do they mean by lost a son! Jungkook... Jungkook please tell me what happened. Oppa.. Where is he!? OPPA COME OUT THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!"

Talking about Jinwoo was enough to knock some senses back in to the guy. He abruptly stood taking her wrist and pinned her against the couch, the two were still in floor. His hands rested - clutched on the soft material and eyes that reflected tiredness a moment ago were replaced by madness - the madness she last witnessed when he assaulted her father.

JK :" Your so - called father killed him. Jinwoo is dead. I, Jeon Jungkook, his brother buried him with my. own. damn. hands" The girl stayed frozen to her place, her Brian wasn't able to take in the information this quick.

Loss, pain, burn, Regret - It was his love, it was his life, it was his choice, that cunning man was related to his life, Jinwoo wasn't even ready to go with him, he dragged him to his death, he did this all, he killed him.

"I killed him" it was a mere whisper before the voice turned in to a yell. "I. Killed. Him. I. DID." With each word he punched the couch right beside her head making her flich. Pulling away he gripped on to his hair letting out a painful scream before he broke down crying.

It's a rule of life, people live and lose. We all lose important people in our lives. Some chose to hold on to memories, some move on, some cry the pain out and some decide to dig their sanity with the person they lost.

Jungkook chose the last of em.


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