Chapter 10

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"Who the fuck he thinks of himself! He is going crazy by the loss he should visit a psychiatric by now." Jung barked slamming the court papers on the table burning in anger. He lossened his tie nowhere near to calm down.

YN :" Don't make fun of mental health as if you've not been through the same." She was much calmer than she was supposed to be and he couldn't understand it one bit. Having her peaceful time sipping the wine while relaxing on a couch.

" Oh so Miss is growing feelings for him again or maybe pity for that patheti--"

" He is not pathetic." Her voice lower by an octave as she stressed on each word to make it clear to the other. "Moreover, I was the one who reopened the case."

"What?" He frowned, as if the voice flew past him or maybe he was suddenly hearing things.

YN: "I was the one who reopened the case, dad."

"HAVE YOU- Have you gone mad for God sake what is wrong with you!!" He couldn't keep his voice low by this point. The anger that was raising within him wasn't going to calm down. This was straight stupidity in his eyes.

YN :" Why are you getting so worked up? You are innocent after all. It won't effect you right? "

Jung :" Look I don't know what's going on in that stupid brain of yours. But I am in no mood to waste my another three months on this shit. I am a business man I have work for God sake "

YN :" Don't worry about work. You won't see any difference in there. About the case, I made my mind. Your screams are useless at this point. I am not taking it back. "

Jung shut his eyes, he wished he could just leave a slap or two to knock some senses into his daughter. It was getting so hard for him to control. He exhaled lowering his voice now, maybe one last time he could persuade her.

" Look Yn--"

YN :" Told you, it's useless." Clentching his jaw he left the place slamming the door shut behind him. Her calm eyes shifted to the door where he left. A millions of thoughts started twirling within her brain's wall as she stood up putting the glass back and left as well.

" If you decided to act, you should've learnt to act well."


It didn't stop there, she knew it wouldn't. She was waiting for it. Now that her cellphone was ringing in her hand with a name 'Steven' as caller I'd. Now she wanted to see what stupidity he had to spill.

" Hello?"

"Hey, are you free?"

"Depends" on what you have to say.

"Shall we go for shopping. I want us to get our wedding outfits today. See if we like any otherwise we can get them costumized." A silent scoff escaped her lips, so the boy was smarter or maybe a bigger fool than her father.

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