Chapter 3

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The two were done with dinner and formalities, waiting for the perfect moment to talk something you'd rather hide surely brings an anxiety that rushes up till it takes over each part of your brain making you lose your senses when you needed them the most - shit sucks.

YN :" I want to talk about something dad." Her father was busy wiping the corner of his lips with a napkin eyeing the glass getting filled with liquor by a maid standing two inches aside him.

Mr Jung :" I wanted to talk about something too but I would let you go first. " She didn't mean to accept it but it was a signal to raise whole another level of curiosity and anxiety.

Repeat after me
Breath in
Breath out
Kim Namjoon bless me.

Kim Namjoon was the today's generation most favourite man, an underground rapper who was on a surface stealing girl's hearts like a piece of cake for him.

Talking about Kim Namjoon, that surely brings a sense of peace in her body as she looked at her father fidgeting with her fingers under the table.

Mr Jung : " I am pretty sure I didn't receive any calls from your university and so I wonder what is it that is making you so nervous to talk."

YN : " Oh that, nothing heh you are just being so serious and.... Scary." She mumbled pouting, the inside actor coming to surface to ease the mood and it somehow did when her father picked up the glass leaning back against his chair with an expression much easier than the ones a moment ago.

MR Jung :" Do I look less scary now?"

YN : " Uh kinda... Maybe." Scratching back of her head she cleared her throat deciding to finally say it all.

Please play trivia : love at my funeral.

YN :" There is this guy.... I like... No no wait I love! I really love him dad I really wanted to te--"

MR Jung :" What!? " She flinched at the sudden outburst shifting her gaze from her lap towards her father who suddenly looked angry..... Really really angry. The way he slammed the glass in his hand against the wooden table was a huge sign of it.

Mr Jung :" Do you know what you are saying Jung YN?" Full name - the curse word her father rarely use when he is angry at her or in a shitty mood. For many reasons it was scaring, the rejection and result was already scaring her playing hundreds of scenarios in her head out of which she liked none.

YN :" You didn't.... A-ask who it is."

MR Jung :" That doesn't matter YN. You should know which family you belong too. You should know, from years the couples are made keeping in mind what is better for the business and for that I've already found someone for you. "

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