Chapter 6

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The suffocating smell that one can get a trauma for as soon as landing their first step in a building, none loves to be in. Regardless of the air purifiers placed at several corners to keep the air clean yet it was a hospital thing to remind the people where you're standing - she hated it. The shitty smell of medicines.

Yet it wasn't the worry at hand, when she sat in front of the ER alone, having no mental or physical support to her, her father was fighting a war of life and death and all she could think was the scenes that took place infront of those innocent orbs.

At the end of everything was left the regret, knowing it was too soon to reach a decision yet the regret of making her father stand at the edge of a knife to believe she didn't care about him. To make him look like an outsider in her life. To make him dissappointed in her. He definitely returned encountering severe circumstances yet all she cared was about one certain person - she still does.

She wished for her father to live, he couldn't die before forgiving her. Hate towards herself and a sudden urge to bang her head against the wall to a point the pain it gives overcomes the burning pain inside of her.

It had been minutes, hours or maybe a day who knows. The red led on top of the ER flicked off as the glass doors slid open revealing the doctor cladded in his uniform stepping out.

Doctor :" Patient's family?"

YN :" Yes, I am his daughter." All the other thoughts at head had disappeared leaving the one pray for the answer coming out of the other's mouth to be positive.

Doctor :" Due to the severe injuries a part of his brain was affected. He is alright but I am sorry to say he might not remember a few occurances in his life. It can be anything, recent or from his past."

YN :" H-he.... He will remember me...? "

Doctor :" He may or may not face troubles in recognising people, special events, key point of his life too. However it will be confirmed once he wakes up. "

24 hours have passed by since the incident occurred. She was seated on the couch present in the VIP room of the hospital where her father was shifted however he was still unconscious. According to doctors it might take a day or two but if he still stays in the same condition they might be forced to call it a "coma"

She dreaded it. She still had a lot of questions to ask above that a heartful apology. Maybe if she had to fall on her knees and beg for it she would do it.

Jungkook.... She never had the courage to call the guy regardless of the times she almost-almost tapped the call button. Returning back to senses she had realized she never saw the guy in that form before. The continuous stream of painful tears flowing down his eyes were making her doubt if he was even alright.

She flinched, opening her eyes coming back from a slumber. A dust of tiredness and sleep still present in her eyes as she picked up the cell phone. Her heart beat sky rocketing reading the name of her lover as the caller I'd - "Jealous bun♡"

4 deep breaths might help, maybe 6 or 7 too but none really did its work forcing her to pick up the call with her shaky hands and erratic heartbeat.

YN :" J-Jungkook..."

"YN....." She might have stuttered but his voice was broken. A moment of waiting or two no words were exchanged and finally the first thing she heard were the broken sobs leaving past the other's mouth.

"Jungkook.... Hey what happened. Jungkook please tell me I am getting so worried."

"Come here.... I need you. Hyung.... needs you."

"what are you saying. Where are you? What happened to oppa?" Her breath got struck in her throat as she stood up - a natural human reaction where your six sense alarms something was wrong...... Something you aren't ready to listen to.

"Hyung left.... He left me." He finally broke out Into heavier sobs and painful cries, her heart clenched hearing the sound. Never wanting to believe, what the meaning behind those words were implementing. She decided to escape the reality.

"Jungkook look I am coming okay. Please wait for me." hanging up the cell,her frequent steps took her to the table at one corner of the room picking up her bag along with car keys ready to dash off without a single glance at the patient till a voice reached her ears.

" W-water..... "She turned around to see her father awake by now, he looked so weak so..... Pale like standing with his one foot in the grave. It broke her heart more than it was already broken. She ran back to his side helping him sit taking support of the pillows behind his back. She helped him take a sip or two of water.

A huge burden on her shoulders was lifted off when he raised his hand putting it on her cheek then holding her hand so tightly in his grasp making her wonder if he still had that much power left in him.

Jung :" Don't leave me...... Stay here with your father."

YN :" I am here... I am here with you."


"Happy birthday, soulmate"

A pair of lips on her neck and a hand sliding on the nape of her neck towards her throat moving her chin up to which she gladly threw her head back taking in those wet kisses placed all over her neck. A touch so sinful yet so unforgettable as if a bolt of electricity runs past your spine each time it comes in contact with.

He stood behind her couch, taking a hold of the wine glass that was in her hand a moment ago. Straightening his posture he took a sip of the wine taking a round around the couch till he was finally in front of her in his all glory - Jeon Jungkook.

"Soulmate is it? Shall I be honoured?" Regardless of the playful tone her voice held, there was nothing so astonishing in those orbs which only reflected numbness.

"We rose together, we were ruined together." His hands went to the buttons of his shirt. A painfully slow movement which took a whole moment to open it. His knee went to the middle of her thighs resting on the couch as he leaned down dangerously closed to her face.

" we bloomed each other, we destroyed each other." His thumb traced over her lower lip. "Pretty fanticizing no? Soulmate. "

"How about you shutup and do what you are here for." Tilting his head he threw her on the couch and hovered above her. There were no slow movements anymore. No wait or tease to hold as there hands roughly roamed around each other's bodies and within a moment there clothes were ripped off.

" I will fuck you till you can't feel anything anymore."

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