🧸Ruv x Russian!reader🧸

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For Cookie_Lover_124 :)
I hope you enjoy!!
I'm am sorry if any of the Russian is wrong, I don't speak Russian :(
No ones pov:
When you first started to date Ruv you thought he could speak and understand Russian because he's Russian himself but one day he heard you and Sarv talking about it, "Hey Sarv?" "Whats up, y/n?"
"Can Ruv speak Russian?" "I think so" and from that day forward he would act like he didn't understand you when you spoke Russian, so you took that opportunity to call him cute or other cute Nicknames in Russian.

Y/n's pov:
Ruv had been acting kinda weird lately, like he wants to tell me something but he's worried on what I would think, "Ruv! Come here please!" Hopefully he heard that, 2 seconds later and he was here, "whats up? I came as fast as I could" he sounded like he was out of breath, "we need to talk" I could tell as soon as I said that he was worried,

"What did I do? I'm sorry for what ever it was that I did" he said hugging me, "милый" (cute) I said, but it kinda looked like Ruvs face had a little blush to it, so now I am little confused, "Ruv, babe, can you understand me when I speak Russian?" "Huh? What?" He said looking confused "ты понимаешь меня?"(can you understand me?)I said making Ruv look at me, "Huh? I don't know what you just said, you know I don't understand Russian" "oh really? Then why did you blush a little when I said милый?" I said making Ruv look around quickly, "I-I um....I" He started to choke on his words, "ну? ты понимаешь меня?" (Well? Can you understand me?) I said getting closer to him, "Yes! I can understand you!" He covered his mouth as soon as he said that,

"Ha! So you can understand me! Why didn't you tell me?" I said hugging him, "well, in the beginning of our relationship I heard you and Sarv talking about me and if I can speak Russian, so when I heard that I thought it would be funny to act like I didn't know what you were saying, but I should have told you sooner" he said picking me up, "so thats why every time I called you cute you blushed!" I said laughing, "you really are so cute sometimes" I said kissing him, "heh, well you're cuter" he said smirking a bit, my entire face is now red,

"Stop....you're making me blush" I said making him laugh "And thats what makes you cute" he said kissing my lips. He then brought me to the bedroom to cuddle.

"wanna go rob a bank?".........."WHAT?"
Well! I hope you enjoy! Pls tell meh if the Russian in this is right ;~; like I said I don't speak Russian so I am very sorry for any mistakes :( but I hope you enjoy the story! Please feel free to leave any requests! Bye my loveys!^^

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