🧸Ruv x reader🧸

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This is fluff! So it's gonna be cute🥺💜
Enjoy my loveys🥺
Key words:
Y/n = your name
E/c = eye color :)
Also! You are around 5'4 in this story! :)
Ruvs pov:
I haven't been able to see Y/n in forever, the last time was over 6 months, but hey we keep in touch, The reason why we haven't seen each other in 6 months is because of "the sickness" going around,
It's been hard, but we are finally going to meet again soon, Y/n is going to be here soon,

As I was waiting, I couldn't sit still, just thinking of them made me excited to hold them, "Ruv? Ruv? Are you okay?" Sarv asked me, patting my back,
"Yea, just excited to see Y/n again." I tried my best to give a little smile, but man, did it hurt.

Y/n's pov:
For the time time in 6 months I can finally hug my boyfriend Ruv, I was really excited to see him again but I was nervous, I have no clue why but I guess I was just really excited, as I walk to the church I started to get more and more nervous.
I was finally here, at the church, I was about to knock until I heard my phone go off, I took my phone out of my pocket to see what it was, it was a message from Ruv.

"Hey, where are you?"
"Oh! I'm actually here."

Ruvs pov:
As soon as I received that message, I jumped up really fast, maybe a little too fast, I made Sarv fall over. "What the hell, dude?!" Sarv yelled, rubbing her head."Sorry! But y/n's here!" I said as I helped her up, we both heard a knock, I ran really fast to the door As I opened the door, I saw Y/n standing there looking up at me with their cute little e/c eyes.

Y/n's pov:
Me and Ruv looked at each other for a bit before I jumped into his arms giving a big hug, I guess he wasn't expecting me to do that as he almost fell, we both started laughing as we hugged "Y/n! I can't believe it! After 6 months!" He was trying so hard to smile just for me, "Ruv, you don't need to force yourself to smile for me, I know you're happy."
I hugged him a bit tighter, "I know, but I just want you to know I'm really happy to finally hold you again." he spoke, booping my nose, I blushed a little

Sarv just laughed at us being cute. "You two are really meant for each other, huh?" Me and Ruv look at her and nod our head to say yes, "Okay, you two love birds. What do you guys wanna eat?" Sarv said, walking to the kitchen, Ruv never put me down, so he walked us both to the kitchen. He put me on the counter as him and Sarv started to talk about what we should eat, "well I don't really care about what we eat as long as I get to be by Y/n, I'm good" he said holding my hand.

"How about pizza?" I said, showing them my phone, "Sure! At least I don't have to cook anything." Sarv laughed, "wants a good idea, bunny."
Ruv said, giving me a little kiss. Man, he really missed me, I guess, haha

Ruvs pov:
Man, I missed them so much, I missed kissing them, I am so glad they are here again, I will never let them go again, they are like a gem to me, I always wonder how someone like me got someone as perfect as them, heh, I guess I'm just lucky.

Y/n's pov:
he didn't want to lose me, again, so for the first month he was very clingy, he always had to by me, he always had to hold me at least once a day.

He was always next to me, when we sleep together, I was like a teddy bear to him, but of course he was gentle as not to hurt me, and he made sure I was comfortable as well, he would randomly poke my face to get my attention as well, let's just say he was really happy to see me again.
Hi my loveys! I hope you enjoy the story! I might not post a new part everyday tho, I am still in school and I have a lot of other things I do, also I need to take a break every once in a while, until next time, bye loveys🥺💕

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